Academic index points Koreans as the most valued in the world

Academic index points Koreans as the most valued in the world

Academic index points Koreans as the most valued in the world
Brazilian position shows that country must face poor performance as a clear signal of the need for improvement

Thiago Mattos - Special to The State
SAO PAULO - Academic South Korea are the most commercially valued in the world. So says an index released on Monday , 12 by the magazine Times Higher Education ( THE) . The Innovation Index Top of the World Academic ( free translation of Academic World Summit Innovation Index ) estimates that companies worldwide are investing about $ 100,000 each in Korean academia , to work with that innovation and research are carried out in their behalf .

To compile the list , the index uses the purchasing power parity to assess the performance of research that hundreds of educational institutions around the world receive industry . The results give an overall idea of how successful are the best universities in the world to compete for research funding by industry .

In the list , which rank the top 30 countries in the world , Singapore is in second place , bringing an average of U.S. $ 84,500 per academic , Holland appears in third place ( U.S. $ 72,800 per academic ) and South Africa comes in fourth ( U.S. $ 64,400 ) . Brazil is the 23rd country from the list and receive the sum of U.S. $ 14,900 per academic .

The editor of THE, Phil Baty said in an interview via e- mail to state that Brazilian universities traditionally have not had a performance equal to what is expected of them in rank and, thus , have difficulties in attracting more private investment and help drive the economy of the country " the 23 th place , which is still ahead of some developed nations , should be understood as a clear sign that an improvement is still needed ," he says .

Unexpected. The surprise on the list is the position of the United States, a country traditionally known for its great universities , which is on 14th place , in the middle of the ranking .

The apparent lack of interest of big business for Western investment contrasts with the fact that some of the most important advances of the story come from American or European institutions . Without the research conducted by scholars such entities as the news mp3 ( which emerged at the University of Erlangen , Germany ) , plasma television ( University of Illinois , USA ) , the nicotine patch ( University of California ) and the hologram ( Imperial College London ) , among others , would not be part of our everyday lives .

Oriental innovation. The results also show that the recent interest in Oriental research can be explained by the combination of a growing enthusiasm for technological advances and computer science coupled with strong manufacturing sector and academic focus in these areas in countries such as South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan , China and India - in the top ten.

To the editor of the magazine that conducted the survey , this new innovation ranking shows that Asian nations have embraced the potential of its major universities to drive the future of the knowledge economy and are prepared to support them with excellent levels of funding . " As a result , there was a strong focus on applied research that has real world impact in areas such as engineering and technology , where investment levels are high because the commercial returns are high ," says Phil Baty .

Examples abound. The Korea Institute of Science and Technology ( KIST ) has collaborated with Korean company Samsung for the development of the first humanoid robot who gets his intelligence from a wireless computer. The Korean promise of " a robot for home" for the year 2020 has Mahru - Z , the robot that connects the dishwasher , fill the dishwasher and cut salads to its owner .

Last month, scientists from Nanyang Technological University ( Singapore ) exhibited their " invisibility cloak " , which made a cat and a goldfish disappear. The invention - that is able to do anything within its boundaries disappear from direct view - can have serious real-world applications in security or entertainment .
"Universities are key to the future of the knowledge economy and an essential part of their missions is when his inventions out of laboratories into the real world . Therefore can not stay entrenched and isolated from the real world ," says Baty .


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