2.1 Identification (Part 3)

2.1 Identification (Part 3)

2.1 Identification (Part 3) 

OR identification, according to Freud (1921), a character can have two values ​​from the beginning, because the child can have a huge sense of tenderness, identifying himself with his beloved object; or otherwise, identifying with whom she does not love. Occurs in these cases, the ego copies of this person who is not loved. Remember that in both cases the child is not identified totally with the other, but only with a dash of this, ie a partial identification, which occurs differently and pathological way when an individual identifies with the whole of another person not thereby forming a personal self (Freud, 1921).
Regarding this aspect, Nasio (1999) speaks of partial identification, in which the individual identifies with visible traces of the other, incorporating the way you walk, shall communicate through gestures like the idealized person, or even in adulthood exerts for example, the profession of his father, so there is an unconscious identification.
For Laplanche and Pontalis (2001, p. 226), identification is the "psychological process by which a subject assimilates an aspect, a property, an attribute of the other and is transformed, wholly or partially, after the model of that other." And second Nasio (1999, p. 80), "a subject identifies himself with someone or something when it is confused with that person or that thing [...]."
As Nasio (1999), this identification of wanting to be the other, to assimilate the other, is an unconscious wish, we can demonstrate this intention in small acts, but not always realize it, are usually the people around us who have this observation. Thus, we can mention the boy who wants to be as small as the father, the girl wears the clothes of the mother, the boy picks up the suitcase of his father's work, ie, they want to incorporate visible traces of the father, mother or their substitutes.
The subject may also identify themselves not only with the other part of it is visible, but "with emotions, feelings, emotions, desires and fantasies even, hidden on the inside of that other life." (Nasio, 1999, p. 82 ).
For identification to be an integral and normal child development, Bee (1997) part suggests that both the environment as well as care for this past, are relevant to each stage, and satisfying their basic needs relevant to the period in which are living, but such care can not be exaggerated nor diminished. The child needs a father present to identify with this and one that protects it and at the same time is not as enticing to the child, or the mother should not provide an extreme care for the child mother forcing, also, when necessary, to limit their formation.
If this initial environment is changed, there will be a process in normal for healthy child development conditions, which will cause the structure of the individual grow with waste unsolved problems and needs that have not been fully satisfied.
To explain the importance of feelings and behaviors passed on to the child in his early life, Rappaport (1981a, p.32) cites:
Dealing with feelings of inadequacy, the subject internalizes valued characteristics of someone, going to feel like it. Identification is a necessary process in early life, when the child is assimilating the world. But keep in IDs prevents the acquisition of its own identity. To Nasio (1999), identification is an act of love, in that the identification will occur when you have an involvement between people, a bond of love. The author cites a story of intense identification between father and son, who, after many years, the child leaves agriculture to definitely be a sailor, and his father suddenly remembers that as a young man, this was his dream, and without knowing addition, the child, as an adult, will unconsciously fulfill a dream that was in his father's childhood.
According to Rappaport (1981b), identification can be evolutionary, because the child will acquire in their behavior a value of secondary reinforcement, this being the child's ability to repeat self-reinforcing behavior of the father or mother. Can also occur defensive identification when the child is being taught to live in society, and internal personal demands of parents are passed to the child, then the child form feelings of punishment, aggression, anger, generating an internal conflict and internalizing these patterns, thus forming a rigid character trait.
The initial bonding with the mother begins the process of breastfeeding, with the breast and the incorporation of food in the first feed that is passed on by the mother. According to Rappaport (1981a), this is the time of incorporation, where symbolizations not yet exist, the child feels he has the mother inside. As there is a lack of symbolization, the child needs something that is specific to the merger occurs and so the identification in this case, is the milk and the mother's breast occurs.
For Freud (1921), the first child sexual objects are the people who feed and care that will soon be his mother or who may replace it. This type of relationship is called anaclitic or binding occurs the first time the child invests its libidinal energy in the object and not the ego.
For Costa (2007), identification is the expression of an emotional tie with the identified object. The person identifies with features that have become important to her. These IDs can be projective, when we identify something in the design or other issues that are ours; and can be introjective when we get something from the other that we value a lot, so being two ways to use the object loved.
According Nasio (1999, p 83.)
Identification is active and unconscious movement of a subject, that is, the unconscious desire of a subject appropriate the unconscious feelings and fantasies of each other. This definition translates well, the turbulence and the very intimate live movements of forces circulating between two beings approach them without them knowing.
In its definition on the identification, Nasio (1999) says it is acting in the unconscious of the individual without he himself realizes what is happening when someone identifies with, which shows the strength that this mechanism has, making connections in one's life without your conscious knowledge of the facts.
According to Freud (1914), different processes occur in relation to men and women in the choice of the process object. For the author, the love object is properly masculine, because the male libido is always active and always. The first object of love is the mother whom he will invest his libido.
For women, Freud (1914) says that, at puberty, the development of the genital organs intensifies own narcissism of the child, when a super investment of libidinal energy, which is then even harmful for normal development and a choice of object occurs healthy adulthood girl since, in most cases, these women eventually will love very intensely themselves and, when mate choice, most interest will be in love they devote to them. So these will not give a man the same intensity of love, later object choice this woman might be a narcissistic or binding choice.
This choice to love each other following the narcissistic type is finding herself on the other, or what it once was or what it would be seeking an ideal ego conceived in the other, which can result in a pathological identification. Choice of the type of binding object, the individual may look for someone who nurtured or protected in his childhood, his mother, his father, or their respective substitutes (Freud, 1914).
part 3


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