"Pharmaceutical drugs that block heal because they are not profitable "

"Pharmaceutical drugs that block heal because they are not profitable "

Original + Alzir Fraga

"Pharmaceutical drugs that block heal because they are not profitable "

The Nobel Prize for Medicine Richard J. Roberts exposes how Big Pharma works within the capitalist system , preferring economic health benefits , and stopping scientific progress in healing , because healing is not as profitable as chronicity.
ARTICLE | JULY 8 , 2011 - 15:23

Richard J. Roberts : " It is customary that drug are not interested in research to cure , but rather to make cronificadores chronic diseases with drugs ." Photo by Wally Hartshorn
A few days ago , it was revealed that large U.S. pharmaceutical companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year in payments to doctors to promote their drugs . To complement , we reproduce this interview with Nobel Prize Richard J. Roberts, who says that the medicines that cure are not profitable and therefore are not developed by pharmaceutical companies which, in turn , develop cronificadores drugs that are consumed in serialized form . This, says Roberts , also causes some medicines that could cure an illness are not investigated . And ask yourself to what extent is valid and ethical that the health industry is governed by the same values ​​and principles that the capitalist market , which comes to resemble the Mafia .

Research can be planned ?

If I were the Minister of Health or responsible for Science and Technology , would seek enthusiastic people with interesting projects , would give them money so they had to do something else that would not let them investigate and would work ten years to they could surprise us .

Sounds like a good policy.

It is believed that to go too far , we need to support basic research , but if we want more immediate and profitable results , we must invest in applied ...

And is it not?

Often the most profitable discoveries were made from very basic questions . So the gigantic billion dollar U.S. biotechnology industry , for which I work was born .

How were you born?

Biotechnology arose when passionate people began to ask if they could clone genes and began to study them and try to cleanse them .

An adventure .

Yes , but nobody expected to get rich with these issues . It was difficult to get funding to investigate the answers until Nixon launched the war on cancer in 1971 .

It has been scientifically productive?

Allowed , with a huge amount of public funds , a lot of research , like mine, who do not work directly against cancer , but it was helpful to understand the mechanisms that allow life .

What did you find ?

Me and Phillip Allen Sharp were rewarded by the discovery of introns in eukaryotic DNA and the gene splicing ( genetic manipulation ) mechanism .

To which served ?

This discovery helped to understand how DNA works and , however , has only an indirect relationship with cancer .

Research model that seems most effective , the American or European ?

Obviously the U.S. , where private capital is active, it is much more efficient . Take for example the spectacular progress of the computer industry , where private money to fund basic and applied research . But as the healthcare industry ... I have my reservations .

Understand .

Research on human health can not depend only on its profitability. What is good for corporate dividends is not always good for people .

Explain .

The pharmaceutical industry wants to serve the capital markets ...

Like any other industry .

It is not any other industry : we are talking about our health and our lives and those of our children and those of millions of human beings .

But if they are profitable investigate better.

If you only think of profits , stop worrying about serving humans .

For example ...

I checked how , in some cases , researchers dependent on private funds found very effective medications that have completely finished with an illness ...

And why have they stopped to investigate ?

Because pharmaceutical companies often are not as interested in healing people as draw them money and, therefore , the investigation suddenly is diverted to the discovery of drugs that do not heal properly , but chronic illness and make felt an improvement that disappears when you stop taking the medication.

It is a serious charge .

But it is customary that are interested in pharmaceutical research lines not to heal but to become chronic diseases much more profitable cronificadores medicines that you heal once and for all . And it has to do more than follow the financial analysis of the pharmaceutical industry to prove what I say .

There dividends that kill .

That's why we say that health can not be a market can not be seen only as a means to make money. And so , I think the European model of mixed public and private capital hinders this kind of abuse.

An example of such abuse ?

Allowed to investigate antibiotics for being too effective and heal completely . As if they have not developed new antibiotics , infectious micro -organisms become resistant tuberculosis and today , which was defeated in my childhood , is emerging again and , last year , killed a million people .

Not talking about the Third World ?

This is another sad chapter : hardly investigate diseases of the Third World , because the drugs that would fight would not be profitable . But I 'm talking about our First World, the medicine that cures everything is not profitable and therefore not investigated .

The politicians do not intervene ?

I have no illusions : in our system , politicians are mere employees of big capital that invest whatever it takes to ensure that their boys are elected and , if not , buy the elect .

There is everything .

Capital only interested multiply. Almost all political , and I know of what I speak , these depend shamelessly pharmaceutical multinationals who finance their campaigns . The rest are words ...

June 18, 2011

Originally published in La Vanguardia . Taken from Another Policy

  Comment by Mark Pine +


   One researcher , in some undeveloped country , creates a product that looks like tea or food . Using sieves and pans , can cure or treat any disease cheaply and scientific community despises his job , but he continues to heal their patients in silence , in the places where they work and never get recognition for their achievement .

Meanwhile , a laboratory of a pharmaceutical company produces a drug with toxic substances . Using cutting edge technology and expensive equipment , obtains a remedy with a lot of side effects , this work is published and applauded in all scientific journals , patents and generates fat profits for laboratories and researchers .

And they say the market is fully capable of self-regulation , that social and economic justice will be disseminated spontaneously with time .

After so many of these examples in our history , as such a lie can still make a living?

                  ______________ X _________________

  " The obvious : . For the pharmaceutical industry what matters are the remedies that do not heal if heal just profit
( ... ) Pharmaceutical companies often are not as interested in healing , but in getting money, so the investigation , was suddenly diverted to the discovery of drugs that do not heal completely , make it so, the disease chronic . Drugs that make you feel an improvement, but it disappears when the patient stops taking the drug . ( ... ) " Interview with Dr. Richard J. Roberts , Nobel Prize for Medicine 1993

   Comment by Celso + Galli Coimbra

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Pharmaceutical industry - " The medicines that cure completely unprofitable "


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