View Chico Days , I reproduce the relevant ...
View Chico Days , I reproduce the relevant ...
There is a subject that is profetização disagree that the return of the military . Full democracy does not exist . What we can do is be working on a day- to-day to perfect it . Fight improving institutions and the improvement of democracy began with popular demonstrations last year. If you ask any citizen who participated or participates in demonstrations is likely that he knows not specify exactly what to change . But he knows there's something wrong . That's because they see politicians talking about education, health and security. But he did not feel it in day-to - day. This citizen demonstrations knows that everything is a big crap and that public money is used by fraudulent bids to fund policies companhas with marketing resources generation to deceive voters and keep themselves in power . The main problem is in the current political system and a politicized judiciary and full of megalomaniacs . I suggest doing a campaign for the vote invalid . Only then these FDP will work to make a political reform for a better Brazil . We have to hold runoff election for council members and other parliamentarians , review the bidding law , transparency in obtaining campaign funds , exemplary punishment so that diverts money or superfatura works . Charge mainly effective management of municipal managers which is the basis of the federation that supports the economic and social development . There are many counties with authoritarian mayors who persecute and do what they want . This has to end . The citizen has to collect and unite to change . We should never cheer the military this is the kicker and ends with the country's credibility .
Brazil May Have Way ????
Brazil may have way ???? Of course ... Brazil has jeito.Primeiro have to improve the law, the judiciary and the Executivo.Fazer schools for public administration, who want to run for public office have to study, you must also give up your privacy...
Elections In Brazil
Elections in Brazil. What would be Brazil Aécio Neves, the PSDB, was elected president ??? Certainly very little would change, as the crisis that Brazil is going through is a global, independent of who is governing, now in social issues could be empty,...
Brazil May Have Way ????
Brazil may have way ???? Of course you do ... Brazil has that. First we have to improve laws, the judiciary and the Executivo.Fazer schools for public administration, who want to run for public office have to study, you must also give up their privacy...
Runoff Elections 2014 Brazil
Runoff elections 2014 Brazil Today, millions of Brazilians will be deciding his future in the polls throughout the country ... all hopeful profound changes in the political environment so...
Corruption : An Epidemic Policy
CORRUPTION : AN EPIDEMIC POLICY POLITICAL : A MONSTER OF DOCTORS IN FRACTION OF SECONDS By: L. Goncalo . Since Brazilians have the right to vote democratic people trust their hopes , expectations and projects in the hands of civilian representatives...