Runoff elections 2014 Brazil

Runoff elections 2014 Brazil

Runoff elections 2014 Brazil

                 Today, millions of Brazilians will be deciding his future in the polls throughout the country ... all hopeful profound changes in the political environment so that society is finally recognized, respected, and mainly assisted by government, both at the state level as the level national ... let's hope that changes occur in an atmosphere of tranquility, peace, and much reflection of recent events ...
                 There may be changes in ideologies, or there may be a greater concern that the government is there to try to do more and better for the population as suffering, that does not deserve to be deceived with false promises, so whoever wins, should honor the people who voted and believed in his speech. Should do its utmost to make everything better, which reduces corruption, improve education, everything done by the people, for the povo.Independente political party, the winners will have great difficulties to manage the nation because the people now, a general way, is more determined to fight for their rights and to bring about change, always in favor of the stronger better country economically, politically responsible ... more
                   In the end, regardless of who is in power, the most important is the control of the People on their candidates, even if he does not win has to observe his actions, conducts its study, to verify everything that is spoken in the press written, spoken, or any other form of information technology if it is true or not !!! we all voted and we feel committed to profound changes in public policies implemented in Brazil, collect, collect and collect, do not leave them alone, because so the population to be at peace rulers can not do whatever they want ... first, any politician should be severely investigated by the federal police, including their friends and relatives, the court must examine all of its resources and hence are compatible with their earnings and their applications, investigation of big businessmen who do business with the government, including his relatives and friends ... investigate the lives of direct reports, ... finally make their life a true wall of transparency only ... well public money is safeguarded, oh no matter what party or who is in power, because he can not do anything other than the right, but shall be punished ... it is also important to increase the penalty for illegally enriching, and charge the IGF ... the tax on large fortunes, exempting those earning less, so that they can improve their quality of life ... I believe that taking these measures as Brazil take the pace of development, especially if intended 15% of its GDP to education emancipatory, an Education that will have on your resume, notions of public administration, constitutional law, civil and criminal law for FULL TRAINING THE CITIZEN is operative.

Written by Professor José Luiz, Law and Education Specialist.


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