Will with his second term Dilma will change ???

Will with his second term Dilma will change ???

Will with his second term Dilma will change ???

It's what we all hope that there are changes in government programs, not only that Dilma will change, but all governors, mayors, is now a matter of intelligence ... What was seen surely mark the PT as a major challenge being exceeded, millions of people voted with the opposition, a sign that many things must be mudadas.Mais transparency when dealing with projects, more control of the federal police, the judiciary, walk to all processes, from all parties and all governments regardless of which party is affiliated ... rebuild the image of PT, so it really is the party of the workers, and not an acronym unimportant like many others that represent only the rights of businessmen and the elite, who nor is smart ... because if it was not clever bribe public officials to pay less taxes, not mislead consumers in order to make more money, not lay off workers just to have room to grow in the market, invest in training their employees to have a skilled workforce, pay their taxes and governments would collect the social rewards that are quality education, health, transport, sanitation, among many other things that entrepreneurs have the power to charge most prefer to pay a bribe for some kinky who call themselves managers or public officials but are disfarçados..muda bandits Brazil but first change the people with guts and determination ...

We have to do our part, the outrage can not just be on the ballot, but the attitudes of the day-to-day behavior with his brother or his neighbor useless to say ... I just hate the PT, or the PSDB, PSTU, or any other party, we should rather see the people who are behind these parties and make a big hurdle, not reelecting these individuals, but recognizing whether there was any progress, no this is not my party ...

The more work and commitment we have the more we contribute to the development of the state and the country, building a new concept of citizenship, without getting carried away by hatred of the party or the concept in Brazil filosófico..Nunca will, God willing, a capitalism typical nor a socialism of the same type ... always the best administrative system of government is mixed, that guarantees fair profit for the entrepreneur but also guarantees a minimum for survival of the poor, desassistidos..vamos strive to have a fair and progressive country ... for all ...

Written by Professor José Luiz, Education Specialist and Law.


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