The seminar Curríulum in its different dimensions approach today; Curriculum:. Definitions and Application in an emancipatory.

The seminar Curríulum in its different dimensions approach today; Curriculum:. Definitions and Application in an emancipatory.

The seminar Curríulum in its different dimensions approach today; Curriculum:. Definitions and Application in an emancipatory.



The Curríulum in its different dimensions approach today.
Professor Dr. Elisa Lucarelli

 Curriculum: Definitions and Application in an emancipatory.

Author: José Luiz Teixeira da Silva (1)

(1) Professor, Specialist supervision and school administration, Specialist in educational psychology, pedagogy specialist in business and specialist in public law.



The main objective of this work is to verify, and the report detailing what was taught in the seminar given by Professor Dr. Elisa Lucarelli "in" doctorate in education from the Catholic University of Santa Fe, February 2015, Argentina.

Given the importance of the knowledge acquired and shared by my fellow PhD. We have observed various aspects of the discipline or area of ​​study curriculum in multiple meanings and circumstances, from primary school to higher education emphasizing the latter. Curricula saw lawyers, veterinarians, doctors, dialoguing and share the teachings.

The basic curriculum for various disciplines, contextual, social, educational and political aspects. Constantly influenced by changes in society, the entire curriculum is loaded with intentionality, adjustments in the labor market and preparation for citizenship.
According to Goodson, "... the practice is socially constructed in the proactive and interactive levels is a combination of both, a combination that our study curriculum should recognize" (Study of curriculum, 231)

Evaluation as educational practice should be much more than qualifying, selective and hierarchical. You should add, humanitarian, inclusive, instigator, nice, emancipatory.
A resume is an attempt to communicate the principles and essential features of an educational purpose so that they remain open to critical discussion and can be effectively implemented. (L. Stenhouse)

The assessment approach is to verify that the student learns and what you learn. Understood as an integral part of the curriculum practice, evaluation, effectively, must be at the service of learning, ie for the processes that make success not by way of maintenance of a situation, but in the way of clarification of learning opportunities that control various representations and systems that are suitable for teaching models based on a differentiated learning. Review is to consider each student as an individual because each person is unique; It is to understand that everyone has a learning time and give different answers to the same learning situations. The teacher who includes students in the learning process considers the comprehensive evaluation of teaching and learning and not as an opportunity for recovery or punishment, is actually an opportunity to improve their knowledge in context.

Project educational practices open to the definitions of those practices that conveys cultural elements which were agreed between different social groups or imposed by those in power (Lucarelli)


CURRICULUM - helps build identities - reflects an educational project shows that people want to be, have social and political (what?) Connotation.
the most significant contributions are chosen and objectives arise.
The curriculum remains the focus of intellectual and organized educational processes in schools and educational institutions, the land on which are defined and discussed purposes, content and processes; above all it is the space where groups and actors
vying for power in the institutions. (FD-B, 2010, p19)

SELECTION contents- involves planning and options - content selection is one of the most important aspects in curriculum thinking.
The teacher has to comply with the guidelines of the curriculum, its actions depend on conditions outside their will - working conditions, the class characteristics, the organization working - account where the school community institution belongs.

CURRICULUM - organization of school activities in relation to what is taught in a systematic way of its disciplinary components.

HIDDEN CURRICULUM - attitudes, procedures, values, intentions and guidelines that are not prescribed in the official curriculum.

CURRICULUM ESTATE - combining aspects of the official curriculum and hidden curriculum. Experienced by students and teachers, more complex and much deeper than anticipated in the official curriculum - what happens in the classroom context, taking into account social, political and psychological apprentices.

CURRICULUM IN ACTION It's the curriculum that develops effectively in school.

CURRICULUM OF THE INSTITUTION SCHOOL-Forms selection of knowledge, recovery programs, the connection between the school and the environment, treatment of diversity, social and political problems, ethics and other measures necessary for quality education .

"The critical theory of curriculum based on the premise that social structures are not as rational and fair as is generally thought. On the contrary, social structures are created through processes and practices distorted by irrationality, injustice and coercion and such distortions have penetrated deep into our interpretations of the world. It is not therefore that social structures are distorted in this way, but we do not perceive these distortions because we have come to regard as 'natural'. From this perspective, much of the work of critical theory curriculum is to analyze the processes by which our society and our views on it have formed;
understanding of these processes may also reveal some of the forms of which are distorted, both social life, as our views on it. Obviously, education has much to say regarding these educational processes .... ". (2)

(2) Kemmis, 1988

ACADEMIC CULTURE - culture that selects and presents college students. Apply skills, argue precisely, use technical vocabulary correctly, perform active listening and understanding slogans.

EXPERIENCE CULTURE -. Culture that students bring to school, the result of different types of experiences of them, organization and selection of curriculum content should be the existential situation of current and specific students within a contextualized and innovative situation.

EVALUATION - Identifies holistically or not their abilities and potential, the preferred treatment of integrated knowledge, human and dialogic. The assessment is linked to different teaching procedures. Evaluation is a multidimensional object, the complex. Stir in the evaluation involves moving different elements of the educational act. The task is very difficult and requires a great knowledge of who produces under the terms Evaluative area. In quality it must exceed the threshold of technical and enter the field of the potential of people and institutions in finding and expected changes necessary school. Quality - student learning - cultural contexts in which schools do not define what is quality. It can be manipulated or not, we
consider is consistent with teaching practices, the objectives, the expected performance.
The instrument is not the central element - the means chosen to achieve compatible evaluation form developed processes.
"The great value of the evaluation is, on the one hand, to be an instrument of educational research: testing hypotheses methodological action to be accumulating resources proven in action efficacy and go to swell in this way the section on teaching technique scientifically based and on the other, facing the student is to give information that will help it progress towards self-learning, offering news on the state you are in and the reasons for it, to take himself that figure as a guide self-direction, the goal of education. "(3)

- Content Selection
- Ways of developing
- The production and the expected returns and ask definition of "criteria" (defining the rules)
"The learning environment is a network or network of relationships between cultural, social, institutional and psychological variables. These interact in a very complicated way to produce, in each class or course, a unique pattern of circumstances, pressures, customs, opinions and working styles in which teaching and learning that takes place there is immersed. "(4)
OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT - this in the instrument, embody the evaluation criteria - tools are means by which the evaluation is performed.
DIAGNOSTIC OR BASE - Popular Searches in the process of evaluating what the student already knows - proposes strategies of what the student already knows - functions as a thermometer for pedagogical decisions - at the stage of early learning - we will do when necessary, using observation - using the valuation unexploited.
(3) Gimeno Sacristan, 1982.
(4) Parlett, M. and Hamilton, D., 1992.

TEACH / ASSESS-determine what, how, how and when to evaluate DEPENDING what, how and when to teach.
REGULATORY REVIEW-a valuable model for a group. Place the individual's performance in terms of a reference group and cause their classification. Should be avoided, because each one is unique and evaluation format that are shaping the behavior without giving students the opportunity to think differently or even act innovatively.
qualification assessment - is the culture of measurement creates hierarchies (best and worst) overestimates the results (Notes and concepts).
STRONG extent- deals with the expected results and handles the error as lack of knowledge
TOOLS: NOTE / concepts- measures, selects, ranks and classes.
MEASURE - Note / concept evaluation.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - capable / incapable, pass / fail, cooked / prepared / excellent, good, good bad and terrible regularity.
SELECTION - pass / fail (If you serve or not to a specific task or function in society.)
"The attitude sums up the intent look ..." (5)
ATTEMPT Homogeneización- everyone learns in the same way and under the same models of learning- does not consider the overall theme.
People are different, have different experiences and stories, learn to reality by other perspectives, how can we say that these models never learn?
EVALUATION FORMATIVA- occupies the center-teacher requires didactic variability - changes in practice to maintain the process of student learning - continually informs the student development.
The somatization (cumulative) assessment - certify the results of learning - can der semester, year or at the end of the period escolar- semester, year or at the end of the course.
EVALUATION institutional global, continuous and systematic, competent and legitimate process, involving internal and external stakeholders in the formulation of subsidies to improve school quality.
AUTOEVALUACIÓN- action promotes self - the result serves to correct paths or significant changes in some sectors. Reflection on practice - in the conduct of their internal processes.
Purpose- to identify weaknesses and potential - an outcome not translated into quantitative data, but allow qualitative analysis
RESULTS- used in order to facilitate interventions and decisions that may be necessary. É important to always know the intent of the ratings and then make a diagnosis of the results expected and unexpected. Often they follow a social and political context and can be challenged in their effectiveness.
DISERTATIVOS- care statements, provide the information necessary for the development of the proposal, specify the criteria to be used to evaluate the final product.

(5) Segura, D., 1986.

MULTIPLE CHOICE - measuring instrument.
Evaluation is not a neutral activity. It has an intentionality.
EVALUATION - identify the capacity for analysis and synthesis in an interdisciplinary context
ANALYSIS - SUMMARY AND RELATIONSHIP - expects significant cognitive actions linked to built skills and not memorize the content.
PORTFOLIO - Meeting of the main works and productions developed by students for a period or instructional sequence.
FEATURE - possibility offered to monitor the student's learning process - allows detection of skills acquired in connection with the conceptual, procedural and attitude contents.

SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION - allows teachers to monitor, record, act, make decisions about the learning process of their students.
Important to consider the processes performed - best evaluator teacher
- Defining evaluation objectives
- Identification of expected student achievement
- Focus of the central aspects of the area / discipline training
- The proposal and the criteria and use the results in favor of education

Conceptual contents - learning to know - curiosity to learn - to develop a taste for research that helps the understanding and interpretation of the basic knowledge of a topic or subject area.
Procedural content - learning to do - put in practical field activities, laboratory, performing tasks for a particular purpose.
Contents attitudes - learning to live together - learning to be - the experience of being with the world group activities, dialogue, social interaction. The educator, aware of its role as a trainer of new generations, routes its work not only to the transmission of knowledge, but to the formation of values ​​by them, for it must address the close link between cognitive and affective.
Learning to be - education should contribute to the development of the individual, not only fits in the labor market, but society as a whole.
The desired schooling is that students develop skills that will enable them to demonstrate their training profile.
Skills development is different from teaching to memorize the content to be played on the reviews.

... Sets of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and values ​​that enable the person to cope with a satisfactory level of quality in the various areas in which your life unfolds .... (6)
Teaching based on active strategies, allowing students to develop an independent performance, innovative and teacher to accompany the progression of this development. Based on the observation of their students.
Teacher assess the skills he needs to develop new teaching skills different from those commonly used.

(6Gonzáles, J.Y.Wagenahr, R., P.Tuning, 2003

The challenges are important for the development of skills, according to the student's ability - to analyze, infer, deduce, investigate, discuss.
The organization of knowledge of the contents should promote the development of skills and avoid teaching centered on memorization and reproduction.

SIGNIFICANT LEARNING - occurs in the production of meaning in what you learn - learned in a progression that deepens and expands knowledge.
Learning memory - the ability to store in memory and recalled when needed.

PROCEDURE - know how to act - is the ability to see in our students.
- Are not school subjects and methodologies - manage, use, develop, implement, observe, among others.

Attitudes - individual characteristics reflect social factors such as norms, behaviors, values ​​and beliefs.
"... The difficulty with this perspective is that it does not adequately recognize that educational practice can never be governed by pure theory, and this is because the explicit and tacit theory or explains and says, is always a set of general beliefs, while practice always involves action in a given situation. "(7)

At the seminar only participate, and very intensely, seminar in its different dimensions currently addressed, we had several assignments in a group of two or more than two, everything is on the analysis of the curriculum in several careers as lawyers, doctors , veterinary medicine, even if teaching Spanish to indigenous groups with their own language, Guarani, for example. We had a very rich collection of references was eleven records that had interesting themes can highlight the file of education, multiculturalism, universalism and Vera Maria Candau curriculum and university professor in the transition of paradigms Maria Isabel da Cunha. We present two or more jobs per day, work reflection which made the seminar very fruitful discussions between the groups were enlightening, not only talk but I had revisions of the curriculum, what type of resume is best for that particular group ?

For Lucarelli (1999) analyze reflectively means "... use didactic analysis frameworks that allow produce knowledge about how does a teacher to address the problems of teaching in each discipline ... how, in class can develop interlacing theory practice, or in what sense each teaching space allows the construction of ways of operating, knowledge, attitudes concerning professionals in transformation "practices. (8)

All topics thoroughly, looking for internalizing the issue of curriculum and evaluation are key to a thesis that takes into account learning a refreshing, liberating and foreshadowed parts. This is for both thesis, within a year, if all goes well.

((7) Carr, 1996
(8) Lucarelli, 1999: 19


Exposed hair are some reflections that come naturally to us. First, you can ensure that hair dialogue, making daily tasks were having a core of motivated students can foster an innovative approach with high expectations of success. this may probably seem as obvious as the assertions with which tearing his in this article, however we believe it is not a closed issue. In the sensitization phase and organization, the concept of solidarity worked through dynamic, inclusive and participatory activities.

A construção do not daily curriculum Instituições das Educacionais tem been the subject of estudo of theorists, not decorrer das decades, demonstram uma atenção considerável for com as relações estabelecidas between conhecimento, culture and educação, sobretudo by enfatizarem or do paper curriculum and gives educação contemporânea na sociedade. . (9)

It was a time to review the learning achieved, but also to review the commitments made by the group mow school work tends to favor structured activities, the evaluation system leads to qualify them knowledge against much difficult skills to enclose a written test or in individual tasks. Cognitive operations and their interaction with the environment (people) orient their learning processes in planning its objectives.
According to Perrenoud, evaluation is associated with manufacturing excellence hierarchies. The Hierarchy of excellence is never the pure reflection of the "reality of differences". (10)

It requires a more equal educational vision and respects the principle.
"The articulation of theory and practice through a methodological strategy that is conducive reflection in action". (11) (Donald Schön, 1987)

In a curriculum the learners make emerge ethical skills (mastery that the graduate should show values ​​and virtues) professional values ​​as responsibility, honesty, commitment and promotion of the practice of justice, well-being. Subject of my thesis is "The importance of educational practices through the virtues in the formation of university teaching in the classroom."

The quality em higher education is not confined to reporting, there is a need, given its holistic approach to desarrolar both cognitive and psychomotor skills, as affected and social developing attitudes, values, virtues indispensable for professional work performance com corresponding ethics.

The virtues remind us of the goods, these are the rules, which in turn lead us to the virtues and ethics.

Finally we can say that the curriculum follows the social political intentionality and historical presentation of its intention contextualized learning limits or increases the degree of emancipation of this learning.

(9) Apple, 2001; Sexton, 2000.
(10) Perrenoud, 2008: 34
(11) Schön, 1987


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