René Descartes

René Descartes

René Descartes

René Descartes , philosopher and mathematician , born in La Haye , Touraine , about 300 kilometers southwest of Paris on March 31, 1596 . His father , Joachim Descartes , lawyer and judge, possessed lands and the title of squire, first degree of nobility, and a counselor in the parliament of Rennes , in the neighboring province of Brittany , which is the northwest corner of France . From 1604 to 1614 , he studied at the Jesuit college of La Flèche .

Although respected by his teachers , he says , the " Discourse on Method " disappointed with the teaching that has been taught : scholastic philosophy does not lead to any indisputable fact, " did not find anything there about which no dispute " . Only the mathematical demonstrate that claim: " The mathematical pleased me particularly because of the certainty and evidence of their reasonings ." But mathematics is an exception , since it has not yet attempted to apply its rigorous method to other domains . That is why the young Descartes , disappointed with the school , part of seeking new sources of knowledge . After a few months of elegant leisure with his family in Rennes , where she deals with riding and fencing, we find him engaged in the Netherlands in the army of Prince Maurice of Nassau .

In 1619 , hey it in the service of the Duke of Bavaria . Then Descartes prepares a work of physics, the Treaty of the World, whose publication he waives the visa in 1633 noted that the condemnation of Galileo . It is true that he has nothing to fear of the Inquisition . Between 1629 and 1649 , he lives in the Netherlands , Protestant country . And in 1637 , decided to publish three short summaries of his scientific work : The Dioptrics , The Meteors and Geometry . These summaries , which are hardly read nowadays , are accompanied by a foreword and preface that was made ​​famous : the Discourse on Method . He does see that his method , inspired by mathematics, is able to rigorously prove the existence of God . In 1641 appear the Metaphysical Meditations , his masterpiece , accompanied by answers to objections . In 1644 , he published a sort of Cartesian manual. The Principles of Philosophy , dedicated to the Princess Palatine Elisabeth , who he is , in a sense , the spiritual leader and with whom major exchange correspondence. In 1644 , during the quick trip to Paris , Descartes finds the ambassador of France to the Swedish court, Chanut , which puts you in touch with Queen Christina .

Descartes , who suffers grievously from the cold, contracted pneumonia and refuses to ingest drugs of charlatans and suffer systematic bloodletting and died in Stockholm , Sweden, February 9, 1650 , aged 54 . His coffin , a few years later , will be transported to France . Louis XIV prohibit the solemn funerals and public praise of the deceased .


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- René Descartes
René Descartes René Descartes , ahli falsafah dan ahli matematik , yang dilahirkan di La Haye, Touraine , kira-kira 300 kilometer di barat daya Paris pada 31 Mac, 1596. Bapanya, Joachim Descartes, peguam dan hakim , dimiliki tanah dan tajuk tuan...

- René Descartes
René Descartes René Descartes , filósofo y matemático , nacido en La Haye , Touraine , a unos 300 kilómetros al suroeste de París el 31 de marzo de 1596. Su padre, Joachim Descartes , abogado y juez, poseía tierras y el título de escudero,...

- René Descartes
René Descartes René Descartes , Philosoph und Mathematiker , in La Haye , Touraine , etwa 300 Kilometer südwestlich von Paris am 31. März 1596 geboren. Sein Vater, Joachim Descartes , Rechtsanwalt und Richter , besaß Ländereien und den Titel...

- René Descartes
René Descartes René Descartes, filósofo e matemático, nasceu em La Haye, na Touraine, cerca de 300 quilômetros a sudoeste de Paris, em 31 de março de 1596. O pai, Joachim Descartes, advogado e juiz, possuía terras e o título de escudeiro,...

