Life of Pythagoras , important philosopher and mathematician of antiquity , mathematics , geometry , arithmetic, Pythagoras Theorem , sciences , literature , Pythagorean School

Life of Pythagoras , important philosopher and mathematician of antiquity , mathematics , geometry , arithmetic, Pythagoras Theorem , sciences , literature , Pythagorean School

Life of Pythagoras , important philosopher and mathematician of antiquity , mathematics , geometry , arithmetic, Pythagoras Theorem , sciences , literature , Pythagorean School
Sculpture of this important Greek philosopher and mathematician

Who was
Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician and philosopher important . Born in the year 570 . C on the island of Samos , in Asia Minor ( Great Greece ) region. Probably died in 497 or 496 BC in Metaponto ( Southern Italy ) . Although his biography is marked by several legends and facts not proven by history , we have important data and information about his life .
At 18 years old , Pythagoras knew and mastered many mathematical and philosophical knowledge of the time . Through astronomical studies , stated that the Earth was spherical and suspended in space ( idea little known at the time) . Found a certain order in the universe , observing the stars , just as the Earth revolved around the Sun

Received much scientific and philosophical influence of the Greek philosophers Thales of Miletus , Anaximander and Anaximenes .

While visiting Egypt , impressed with the pyramids , developed the famous Pythagorean Theorem . According to this theorem we can calculate the side of a right triangle knowing the other two . Thus , he was able to prove that the sum of the squares of the legs equals the square of the hypotenuse .

Also attributed to him developing the multiplication table , the decimal system and arithmetic proportions. His influence in future studies of mathematics were huge because it was one of the great builders of the basis of mathematical , geometric and philosophical knowledge we have today.
Leading philosophers of the Pythagorean School :
- Philolaus of Crotona
- Temistocleia
- Archytas of Tarentum
- Alcmeão Crotona
- Melissa
Some thoughts ( sentences ) of Pythagoras :

- There is free who can not have dominion over you.

- All things are numbers.

- He who speaks sows , the listener picks .

- With order and time is the secret to everything and do everything right.

- Educate children and do not need to punish men .

- The best way that man has to perfect , is closer to God.

- Evolution is the law of Life , Number is the law of the universe , Unity is the law of God .

- Help your fellow to lift the load , but not carregues .

The Pythagorean theorem is considered one of the major discoveries of mathematics , it describes a relationship in the triangle . Remember that the triangle can be identified by the existence of a right angle , ie , measuring 90 ° . The triangle is formed by two peccaries and the hypotenuse , which is the largest segment of the triangle and is located opposite the right angle . Note :

Cathetus : a and b
Hypotenuse c

The theorem says that : " the sum of the squares of the legs equals the square of the hypotenuse . "

a ² + b ² = c ²

example 1
Calculate the value of the unknown segment in the triangle below.

x ² = 9 ² + 12 ²
x ² + 81 = 144
x ² = 225
√ x ² = √ 225
x = 15

It was through the Pythagorean theorem that the concepts and definitions of irrational numbers began to be introduced in Mathematics . The first to emerge was irrational √ 2 , which appeared the hypotenuse of a right triangle with peccaries measuring 1 to be calculated . see :

x ² = 1 ² + 1 ²
x ² = 1 + 1
x ² = 2
√ x ² = √ 2
x = √ 2

√ 2 = 1.414213562373 ....

example 2
Calculate the value of the collared peccary in the rectangle triangle below :

x ² + 20 ² = 25 ²
x ² + 400 = 625
x ² = 625-400
x ² = 225
√ x ² = √ 225
x = 15

example 3
An acrobatic rider will cross from one building to another with a special bike, covering a distance on a steel cable , as shown in the diagram below:

What is the minimum measurement of the length of the wire rope ?

By the Pythagorean Theorem we have:

x ² = 10 ² + 40 ²
x ² + 100 = 1600
x ² = 1700
X = 41,23 (approx.)

By Noah Mark
Graduated in Mathematics
Team Brazil School


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