


Jose Silva

 Justice in Brazil seems to go wheelchairs and have a severe mental disability, severe mental retardation and serious personality problems. The Supreme Court should be a free, honest and of high moral, but we're not seeing it !!!! Justice is not prevailing, several politicians involved in scandals laugh injustice and slowness of its implications and investigations. For the simple fact that many of them occupy key political positions in the country since President to members of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies (the vast majority), as well as governors, mayors, state legislators and city councilors !!! The people should be united to reduce this great sangria which is the national political figure in the country políticos.O survives despite the outrageous agreements with entrepreneurs without characters who just want to take advantage of a poorly informed population and corrupt politicians for the most part and all parties! !!! Then he comes to the conclusion that democracy is wounded, because it's people out to the streets against a party and does nothing when the other party as corrupt as the other is in power, and the worst never left him, something rotten in BRASILIS kingdom when people stop protesting because they are no longer being funded by businessmen who spoke in corruption and not protest as if everything is solved (as if we had the most corrupt party in history) it is believed that there is an involvement of press to form opinions, the worst, most guided not always smart for the purpose of supporting a pseudo government that attacks the rights of the population, including the right to education with quality, through an ordinance or would be crap (which restricts education bucéfalos, midiótas and internet patriopatetas, ignorant of essence because not understand politics (most). I only believe in change, when the heads of the parties involved in the scandals are being processed, independent of parties and political ideals as corrupt has no side, no party and I doubt they have souls !!!
Unfortunately we live in a bad situation for citizenship, a corrupt Congress voted an inadequate deterrent, giving a white coup, with participation including the judiciary. Burying a poor child born very recently, DEMOCRACY !!!! How do people who have lost the direct vote, right of the citizen can not at least have something really concrete, replace a democratically elected president by a majority of PEOPLE ?? ????????????
Even worse are the choices of this misrule, NEOLIBERAL in essence, conservative by choice, with votes of people who want the return of dictatorship in the country, radical people who do not support a government that really cares about the needy, who made achievements beyond the simple fact of being a social government, a government of the people, but unfortunately surrounded himself with profiteers parties, who had at his command some of the corrupt to be punished like any other that is of any party, for either political whether clean or will be buried with many injured and killed, much of the poor, the poor, the middle class and astonish even the rich who have made a bad choice being conservative, anti-democratic, neo-liberal, for table chose the right corruption, delivery of public goods, the death of education and public health, the death of a democracy of rights, since the judiciary is not doing its part being free taking of sides, so lies democracy of law and in fact died already do time!!!

Thanks to Congress, which took out a Legitimate government to place a usurper, a spare, a vice, inadequate, a root Neoliberal, a suspect of accepting bribes of Lava Jato, who received campaign donations in box two.
Put in power the worse, with nothing democratic attitudes, supported by a dubious press, a government of the few that disgusting way acts to harm the people. How will the face of him who wore green and yellow and called Dilma impediment to that, according to them, Brazil improved, this did not happen, nothing has changed except for the worse !!!! Education being treated by decree shows how stupid was part of the people, where is the democracy ??? This is what gives have a government chosen by dubious character of people occupying the National Congress shaming an entire nation. Vagrants occupying power to serve him !!!! PMDB, PSDB, DEM, PP, and other parties that are cited in Lava Jato hold power, it seems that passed donkey certificate voters !!! In Brazil all the PMDB, PSDB grown, people really do not seem to know how to vote, also with the education given in these electoral corrals, of poor quality could not give anything. World Shame !!! Brazil is at risk, the PMDB administration in Rio de Janeiro led the state to bankruptcy, now just missing the rest of the country ... but before that they will take full advantage, ending social, moral and political, after all who was always ruled the PMDB with the PSDB and other parties that came together and took advantage of the PT. PT was bushing, was the front man, who actually sent was the PMDB, created several problems for the workers' party could do something good, but it does not mean that the PT has not failed, failed and to accept being supporting the shameful performances in corruption, to unite with parties that have always been against the poorest, it is evident now !!!

Today, October 2, 2016, another day of elections, as states, municipalities spend so there is this circus today ??? Millions are taken from public funds to give a job for a specified time for a bunch of guys stick that never deliver what they promise, that is a big waste of money and time citizen. It is shameful the performance of councilors who act as marginal, kill themselves, as bank do ... Mayors that deride the Rio neighborhoods as did Eduardo Paes, minimizing the poorest places, reducing its inhabitants ... I voted for all, because who analyzes the speeches of councilors and candidates for mayor, they find that anyone who win will do an excellent job, all talk that will improve education, health, transport, sanitation, that "this time it will be solved ", now if that's all deserve to elect ... bunch of hypocrites, do this every year of election and want the people to believe ... there's more !!!! Therefore the policy should be people very well prepared, technical and competent,
Be honest, capable, humble and workers ...
No clowns and incompetent today,
Not bad characters, the debochadores, vagabonds today,
Not cretins, morons, stupid, demagogues today,
Not shameless, corrupt, liars and scoundrels today,
Not the dealers, liars, deceivers of yesterday and today,
Not the people of manures that humiliate and degrade a suffering and honest people,
Even when conviveremos with this scum of humanity than any party in any region is not worth a penny of the money of their constituents ... So politicians need to be educated ...
But politicians must be monitored, controlled,
To work for the good of society,
Not to enrich themselves illicitly
Political should be decent, righteous, with high morale ...
It can not be corrupt, not cynical, much less rascal ...
To stay in office does everything, "the trickster"
Mind tricks, intimidates, purchase people, makes the Devil ...
These are vagabonds jacket and tie ...
The good politician is one who does not use the position to take advantage own ...
Should serve the people with humility, dignidade.eficiência ...
Not serve the people as many do ... the vast majority ... unfortunately ...
Take public money is a felony ...
By stealing public money, most politicians kill children and elderly hunger and disease ...
By accepting bribes from businessmen terrible, accept the crime of providing bad public service ....
To sell for millions, these soul vagabonds, kill gradually society ...
It is the worst kind of crime when a common thief steals a person it does not hurt that person ...
But when a councilman, deputy, senator, mayor, governor or president accepts money ....
These positions steal from thousands to millions of people who should have a better life ...
So these positions should be controlled by the police in the United intelligence ....
Anyone who wants a public function have no chance of being dishonest .... if control ...
Today's bad guys would not even be in power if justice did not allow ....
This would control the three powers, judges would be controlled in absurd sentences ...
Advisors, employees who handle money would be checked and investigated ...
The most important all without exception would be punished according to their crimes ...
Apart function pública..seus names published in all media outlets, by law ...
So that everyone is warning about their crimes not to return to commit them ..
corrupt or incompetent politicians end the hopes of a nation ...
Besides being a laughingstock dull, they are a disgrace to mankind ..
As long as these vagabonds, criminals jacket and tie ...
Politics is dirty, is through cheating, prostitution and drugs ...
Power without shame, without morals and ethics of the lowest beings that mankind has ever seen ....
While these marginal protected by laws that they even did live in mansions ..
Enjoying the money stolen from the society through racketeering, drugs and murder ...
Honest people live in great difficulties in rented house and without decent work ....
fash political cursed, from the heart to be punished by eternal life degradation ...
It is time for good people come to power, nothing of those who are already there ... rotten and fetid ,,,
But people should be monitored and investigated for their tasks means of control ...
No fear of the press, without fear of the truth, without messing with thieves ...
They have millions or will cream rotten of a decadent and fossilized society ...

Written by Professor José Luiz Teixeira da Silva, Education Specialist and Public Law.



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