Night activities of Sleep

Night activities of Sleep

Night activities of Sleep

Perispirit and Deployment

Although during life, the Spirit is fixed to the body by perisprit, is not such a slave, you can not stretch your chain and carry the distance is on the earth, whether on any other point in space.
(Allan Kardec, Genesis, Chapter XIV it 23)

Gabiel Delane on "Spiritualism and Science", concludes: The best proof of the existence perisprit is to show that man can unfold in certain circumstances.

Preparation To Sleep

Checking the physical side of the matter, we see the importance of sleep, the fact that we spend one third of our day sleeping, this activity the physical body rests and releases toxins. For the spiritual side, the Spirit binds with your friends and exchanged information and experiences. Let us make a preparation for our daily rest.

Organic: light meals, hygiene, moderate breathing, driving our body and posture without extravagance.

Mental and Spiritual.

Readings edifying, wholesome conversation, meditation, prayer, serenity, forgiveness, good thoughts. However let us not forget that every prayer is strengthened with acts aimed at the well, for then, altruistic activities enable a better affinity with good spirits.


It is the name given to the phenomenon of externalization of the spiritual body or perisprit.

The perisprit still attached to the body, away from the same, now part of the spiritual world, that is still attached to the body by fluidic wires. These phenomena, natural resting on the properties of perisprit, their ability to externalize itself, beaming on their property after death that apply to perisprit of living (incarnated).

The ties that bind the temporal perisprit, loosen up so to speak, providing the Spirit remain in relative distance, but not off of your body. And this link, allows the spirit, be aware of what is happening with your body and return instantly if something happens. The body in turn gets its reduced functions, as it were distanced from the perispiritual fluids, leaving only what is necessary for its maintenance. This is the state in which the body at the time of deployment also depends on the degree of development that happens.

The Splits.

a) Conscious: This is characterized by accurate recollection of what happened when the return to be the body remembers the events and activities that he played in the act of unfolding. The subject is able to see their own "Double" very close, ie to see himself at the very moment that initiates the split. Highly these cases, usually feel lifting head first and then the rest of the body. Some float and see the fleshly body lying down, others find themselves next to the body, however this is quite profound remembrance and awareness is highly clear at this moment. There is a deep connection of perispiritual fluid between the body and the perisprit thus facilitating the memories post-split.

b) Unconscious: Returning nothing to be recalled. We must remember that in most cases the activity that plays being unfolded in time, as experience is to be itself as Spirit, being remembered in a few moments for the awakening of some difficulties and see how intuitions, ideas.

The perispiritual fluids are much more tenuous in this case and the difficulty of immediate recall is slightly more difficult, but the information and experiences are stored in memory perispiritual, come to the fore in the future.

In reality the word unconscious is placed on language impairment, unconsciousness because there is, in view of the awakening of the spirit, taking all experience the same effect, so we put the word unconscious here is only for atestarmos temporary unconsciousness of being while incarnate.

c) Volunteers: If the person himself promotes this distance. Analyze something quite unique, not all volunteers unfolding consciousness there, because as we said above, there may be some memories of what happened, there are still many difficulties, at the time the Spirit through your perisprit approaches again his body, the density yet the cerebral organs can be blocking these experiences. It should be noted that the embodied on Earth, is still far from controlling all its powers, and so there are also forgetting. Considering, some people even cause the unfolding consciousness, and when you have fear and return to the body, making it even more hastily memories.

The consequences can also occur in moments of reflection, where we are deeply analyzing our actions and whose activity provides us meet with beings who want to guide us to the good part of our perisprit expands and will capture the experiences and guidance due.

Spirit of the Night Activities

Sleep partially frees the soul from the body when asleep the spirit is found in the state it is just the death of the body.

The dream is a reminder of what the spirit seen during sleep. We may note that neither ever dreamed. But what does that mean? Not always remember what we have seen, or have we seen it all, while we sleep. It is. that do not yet have a soul in the full development of his faculties. Often it is only in the memory of the disturbance that our Spirit experienced.

Thanks to the sleep incarnated spirits are always in relationship with the world of spirits. The demonstrations, which is often translated by visions and even more common "ghosts" occur during sleep, through dreams. They can be: a current view of future, present or absent things; a vision of the past and in some exceptional cases, a premonition of the future. Are also often allegorical paintings that spirits put us under the eyes to give us useful warnings and salutary advice, if it is good spirits and lead us to error, defamation, passions, whether they are imperfect spirits.

Issue 403 of The Book of Spirits

Why not remember ever dream?

R: In what is called sleep, there are body home, that the Spirit is constantly at work. Recovers during sleep, a little of their freedom and corresponds with those who are dear to him, in this world or in another. But, as it is heavy and coarse matter that makes up the body hardly retains the impressions received the Spirit, because this did not come through the bodily organs.


The soul, in its freest state, during sleep, can not always bring everything you see and hear the matter. When the spirit back to the body a kind of filtering in memory of what occurred in the spiritual world occurs. These events are not deleted from the memory, since by law, nothing is lost. However, they are recorded on the back of his mind, coming to the fore when needed, manifesting as lessons or tests for the Spirit.

If we remember all occurred in the dream world, the mind would not bear this burden beyond his strength and disturbed the life in matter. Nature knows moderate the events, if we dream of good companies on higher planes, and if that could ever repeat, surely the physical body would strengthen up languishing because we enter the spiritual balance.

(Comments made ​​by Miramez Spirit at Work Spiritist Philosophy)


Let us not become concentrated seeking remind us of dreams, not for what we spend energy should be hidden when you least expect it, it appears that spend no time in seeking it in the bins of the soul. Let us be moderate in our searches, first, seek to understand the principles of right living, so that the conduct is not crooked, desentulhando evil things stored in consciousness; do a cleanse if possible, removing garbage from worthless things and burning in the fire love, so that we can feel free to go divine, sublime in the area reserved for happiness.

Imagine if we remember all the dreams that take place in our mind, for six or eight hours of rest the body. And the eight hours that we work, how would? Nature is restrained in all that exists, does not forget to filter memories, leaving only what we need for happiness or for lessons. To living out dreams, prepare our minds, we cleanse our unwanted thoughts, vibrating only in love and charity.
Let us not forget the sound reading at bedtime, it helps a lot at the gateway to the spiritual world.

(Source: The Spirits Book / Comment: Miramez Spirit)


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