Jacques - Marie Émile Lacan

Jacques - Marie Émile Lacan

Jacques - Marie Émile Lacan

(1901 - 1981)

Jacques - Marie Émile Lacan was born in Paris on April 13, 1901 , into a family of vinegar makers of Orleans ( the Dessaux ) solid and conservative Catholic tradition. Gradually stopped using the name Marie , who had been added to his name in reference to the Virgin Mary . His father , Alfred Lacan (1873-1960) was a man of weak appearance, tormented by the power of his own father , Émile Lacan ( 1839-1915 ) . Émilie Baudry (1876-1948) , his mother , had become more intellectual and very devoted to religion . This family context displeased the young Lacan .

Lacan was the eldest son and had three children - Madeleine , Raymond and Marc - François .

In adolescence broke with Catholicism and began to devote himself , hard , to the literary forefront - read Baruch Spinoza , Nietzsche , Charles Maurras , the Surrealists and James Joyce . Was assiduous bookstores and groups of writers and poets .

As a resident at the Hospital Sainte - Anne in Paris turned towards psychiatry . Had distinguished professors . But one in particular left a strong impression on him : Gaëtan Gatian Clérambault .

In 1932 , he began his analysis with Rudolph Loewenstein . This analysis lasted six and a half years , having been interrupted due to strong disagreement between them .

Although ships as a brilliant thinker outside the French psychoanalytic means, Lacan has received recognition from the Paris Psychoanalytical Society ( SPP ) , in which his works were not considered and its anticonformism caused irritation .

In 1934 , he married Marie - Louise Blondin ( 1906-1983 ) , Malou . With Malou had three children - Caroline , Thibaut and Sibylle .

From 1936 , after starting in the Hegelian philosophy and participate in important groups of great cultural and theoretical wealth, concluded that Freud's work was to be read back " to the letter " and in the light of the German philosophical tradition .

In 1938 , nourishing strong feeling of disgust in relation to the triumph of Nazism came to the conclusion that psychoanalysis was born the decline of patriarchy and argued for the revaluation of its symbolic function in the world threatened by fascism .

Before that , in 1937 , fell in love with Sylvia Maklès - Bataille ( 1908-1993 ) , keeping with the same lasting romance, although both still remain officially married to their legitimate spouses . In 1940, he was in a delicate situation : Malou , his lawful wife , was pregnant with Sibylle (born November 26, 1940 ) and Sylvia Bataille was pregnant with Judith , the fourth of the children of Lacan (born July 3 , 1941 ) . Judith was only recorded with the surname Bataille and he can only use his father's name in 1964 . This circumstance would be one of the unconscious determinations preparing the Lacanian concept of the Name of the Father . The official union of Lacan and Sylvia Bataille only came to pass in 1953 .

Lacan called the beginning of his teaching " return to Freud " . Relying on Hegelian philosophy , in Saussurean linguistics and the work of Lévi - Strauss returned to the Freudian texts . Thus , this contribution has enabled the development of his views on "significant" , the " unconscious organized like a language " , " symbolic, imaginary and real" , the " prohibition of incest " and " Oedipus complex " .

In the Paris Psychoanalytical Society ( SPP ) , Lacan attracted many students , fascinated by his teaching and willing to break with the academic Freudianism first French generation.

In 1953 , at the height of the first crisis in French psychoanalysis , on the question of lay analysis and duration of sessions , Lacan joined the founding group of the French Society of Psychoanalysis ( SFP ) . At that moment began his Seminar ( biweekly ) , commenting systematically over ten years , the great Freudian texts .

From 1953, the founders group of the French Society of Psychoanalysis ( SFP ) began negotiations for the adoption of SFP as affiliated IPA . After many discussions and attempts, the executive committee of the IPA refused to Lacan the right to form training analysts .

The second major crisis in French psychoanalysis took place in 1963 . A year later, the SFP was dissolved and Lacan Freudienne founded the École de Paris ( EFP ) .

In 1965 , he founded the Champ freudien Éditions du Seuil in the collection and in 1966 published the " Writings " .

Before the growth of VET , Lacan created the " pass " , new procedure for obtaining the training analysis . Applied since 1969 , caused the third crisis in the history of the French psychoanalytic movement . Psychoanalytic Organization of the French Language ( OPLF ) was created and started an institutional crisis in VET , which resulted in its dissolution in 1980 , and later in the dispersion of the Lacanian movement in about twenty associations .

In 1974 , Lacan led a teaching of " Freudian Field " at the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII .

Suffering from brain disorders and partial aphasia, Lacan died on September 9, 1981 , after the removal of a malignant tumor in the colon .

Review prepared by Aurea Chagas Cerqueira , a member of the Institute of Psychoanalysis Leone Weevil from Virginia Psychoanalytic Society of Brasilia .


- Jacques- Marie Émile Lacan
Jacques- Marie Émile Lacan (1901 - 1981) Jacques- Marie Émile Lacan è nato a Parigi il 13 aprile 1901 , in una famiglia di produttori di aceto di Orleans ( la Dessaux ) solida tradizione cattolica e conservatrice . A poco a poco smesso di usare il...

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- Jacques -marie Émile Lacan
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