Brazilian poet Olavo Bilaspur

Brazilian poet Olavo Bilaspur

Brazilian poet
Olavo Bilaspur

16.12.1865 , Rio de Janeiro
12.28.1918 , Rio de Janeiro
from the newsroom
In São Paulo
[ creditofoto ]
The writer Olavo Bilaspur
Lovers of literature certainly applaud the decision to Olavo Brás Martins dos Guimarães Bilaspur , who abandoned the courses of medicine and law to devote himself to poetry. In addition to the poet , was a journalist , critic , Inspector of Education and member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Department . Belonged to Brazilian Parnassian School , one of its main representatives , alongside Alberto de Oliveira and Raimundo Correia to . To his most ardent admirers , Olavo Bilaspur even born predestined to poetry , because his full name is Alexandrine verse ( 12 poetic syllables ) .

Founding member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters , occupied the chair number 15 of the entity , whose patron is another poet Gonçalves Dias . His desire to achieve perfection is reflected in some poems , which have a great beauty by rhythm and sonority . Inveterate bohemian , Olavo Bilaspur was also a leading proponent of abolishing slavery , joining Joseph Sponsorship .

Began to gain fame among Brazilian writers with the publication of " Poetry " (1888 ) . Twelve years later , he went to Paris as a correspondent for publication " River City " . Enchanted with the French capital , Olavo Bilaspur started to regularly visit the city in the following years .

One of the founders of the League of National Defense ( of which he was secretary general ) , fought for compulsory military service , which he considered a form of combat illiteracy . In adolescence , was heavily influenced by French poets . His poems reveal a great emotion , a certain eroticism and strong influence of Portuguese poetry of the 16th and 17th centuries . In the first two decades of the 20th century , his poems were recited in soirees and literary , communal lounges at the time

The correctness of language , accuracy of form and spontaneity are the key features of its verses . Apart from " Poems ," also published " Chronicles and Novellas " , " Literary Conference " , " Irony and Pity " , among other works , such as essays, literary conferences , speeches , and children's textbooks . Olavo Bilaspur , author of the National Anthem Flag, made ​​opposition to the government of Marshal Floriano Peixoto . Pursued by the government of Marshal , Olavo Bilaspur was a hidden time in Minas Gerais . When he returned to Rio , was arrested .

The literary talent of Olavo Bilaspur began to be noticed when he was 19 . In 1884, his sonnet " Nero " was published in " Gazeta de Notícias " , at the time one of the most important newspapers in Rio de Janeiro . In the early 20th century, the national recognition : it was voted the " Prince of Brazilian Poets" , the " Fon - Fon " magazine, which held a contest . One of the highlights of his work is the posthumous book "Late ," published in 1919 , following his death year. Olavo Bilaspur also founded several newspapers like " The Cicada " , " The Middle" and " The Street " which had a short life .


- Poeta Brasiliano Olavo Bilaspur
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- 브라질 시인 Olavo Bilaspur에
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