Goodbye, teaching

Goodbye, teaching

Goodbye, teaching

Increasing number of teachers leaving the profession makes the condition worse shortage of professionals in Basic Education and puts into question the attractiveness of the classroom today
Devaluation of the profession and poor working conditions are reasons for discontinuation Career

Low wages, job dissatisfaction, professional prestige. Conditions are old friends of teachers, but have turned into a phenomenon that makes it even more worrying shortage of professionals in Basic Education: teachers have left the classroom to focus on other areas, such as private or teaching in higher education.
Until May this year, 101 teachers requested dismissal of the public state of Mato Grosso, in Sergipe 63, 18 and 16 in Roraima Santa Catarina. In Rio de Janeiro, the annual average is 350 exonerations, according to the State Department of Education, without recognizing how many of these are on request. But the Union of Public Teachers in the State says, in the first five months of this year, 580 teachers left the career (read more on page 43). To complete the picture, the demand for undergraduate education as a whole continues to diminish, and the lack of interest in teaching causes a shortage of professional disciplines especially in the exact and natural sciences.

Reasons for dropout
"The reason for dropout unanimous teaching is the devaluation of the profession and the poor working conditions," says Professor Romélia Mara Alves Souto, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Master's program in Education at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ) in Minas Gerais. In a study of college students, found that among Romélia graduates degree in mathematics between 2005 and 2010, nearly two-thirds work as teachers - but, of these, 45% do not intend to continue in Basic Education. Most provides competition for financial institutions or wants to become small business. A good deal also makes graduate or will study in another area not to follow the teaching.

"For me, the head wound of all this is the teacher's salary. Teachers are having to fight to get the floor," he says. Romélia has also taught at the basic education and for higher education was mainly by salary issues. He taught mathematics for ten years when, in 1996, migrated to teach at university level.

The table appears to be repeated for more than a decade. In 1999, Flavinês Rebolo, currently a professor of graduate education at the Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB) in Campo Grande (MS), defended a master's thesis at the Faculty of Education at USP that focused on the period 1990-1995 in the state of São Paulo. She found that, in addition to low wages, the factors that contributed to the escape were teaching job dissatisfaction and professional prestige. "The salary question is a class struggle of the teachers, they are right, but the group interviewed the feeling was much more of worthlessness they saw at work," recalls Flavinês. Devaluation, by the students and the community, undermining the ideal of teachers that would contribute to a better society, says the researcher.

In principle all
"Clash of reality" is the term used to that feeling among beginning teachers, group where evasion is usually high. The educator Luciana France Leme resents the lack of research on teaching evasion in Brazil, but evaluates a hypothesis for the withdrawal early in his career is the exposure of the beginning teacher to schools most vulnerable. "It is not that the teacher does not have to go to these schools, but there is a relationship between the student body profile and working conditions of teachers."

Luciana also points out the differences between the avoidance of areas of knowledge. She considers the hypothesis that teachers of exact areas are more likely to migrate to other account for more specific training, which allows the application of their knowledge in areas such as financial market. Among the graduates in the humanities, the application of knowledge graduation in other professional areas is usually more restricted, with the exception of the geography course, where there is greater possibility of graduates working in companies geology.

Fabio Rodrigues exemplifies the issue. He dreamed of a teaching career when he joined the mathematics degree at USP, in late 2010. After teaching in cram schools and over three semesters in required internships in the state since last semester graduation got a job as a financial assistant in an engineering company. In 2011, migrated to the area of ​​Information Technology, where he continues working as an analyst and systems developer. "I had knowledge of systems development because it had some disciplines of the USP and did some courses out of curiosity and also a hobby," he says.

At the other end, Gisele Teodoro, formed in letters in 2008, migrated from English classes to work as a telephone operator in a bilingual mining company in Araxá. The devaluation, low wages and excessive working outside the classroom were the factors for her to leave the teaching profession. "Both the salary and benefits as the workload is far less decisive for me, at least for now, has not the slightest intention of returning to the classroom," he says.

Future prospective
Professor of the Master in Management University, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and former Director of Basic Education Classroom Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), Dilvo Ristoff argues that in all professions there avoidance professionals . "The IBGE shows that only a third of engineering graduates, for example, acts as an engineer and that only 75% of medical graduates practice medicine," he says. Professor of UFSC makes the comparison with teachers of Basic Education to conclude that, in occupations with higher wages evasion is significant, not surprisingly, in his opinion, that the avoidance of trained teachers is high. Besides a higher income, Ristoff lists some urgent needs in the teaching career in Brazil: career development, good working conditions and training, social respectability. "The teacher, as every human being is moved by an image of the future that builds himself. Whether he realizes in his work, day after day, your future will be a replica of your gift - that is, if, as bad as his gift - he discouraged and, at the first opportunity, leaving the profession, "he says.

The educator Luciana France Rudder points out that the solution of attractiveness for a teaching career can be achieved in the long term because it will reverberate in the social and cultural issue as the image of the teacher. In his master's thesis on the freshmen in undergraduate mathematics and physics and pedagogy in the USP, the reasons for students pointed doubts about wanting to be teachers were very similar in the three courses. The salary issue was the most influential, but there are others. "One of the reasons most scored, the score of the research was that students would be teachers if they could join a recognized school with good educational project," he says. She states that specific measures to attract teachers to Basic Education will not solve the problem just by many factors have combined attractiveness.

In 2010, Carlos Chagas Foundation has developed a survey to investigate the attractiveness of the teaching profession in Brazil through the eyes of students graduating from high school. One of the authors of the article are presented the results of research, Patricia Albieri de Almeida - Foundation researcher and professor at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University - says that a key factor for the low attractiveness of the teaching profession, in this study, is the little social recognition the profession, in the sense of not being understood teaching as a career that requires a specific knowledge that differentiates it from other formations. "Even as a reflection that many students dismiss teaching because they think they do not have the personal characteristics to it. This factor appears even stronger than the issue of low wages.'s Very strong in our society, the idea that just having gift and vocation to pursue teaching, "says Patricia.

Teachers in Deficit
For Mozart Ramos - Professor of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), a member of the National Education Council (CNE) and the governance board of the Education for All movement - the low attractiveness of teaching is the biggest challenge today in Brazilian education . "It's a strategic question: have good students graduating from high school to undergraduate and, later, to the teaching career is essential," he says. In his assessment, there are four main reasons for the low attractiveness of the profession: low wages - the average wage in Brazil, according to the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) 2009, quoted by Mozart, is R $ 1.8 thousand, lack of career plan and little expectation for professional growth; little connection between undergraduate and Basic Education, and poor working conditions. "The working conditions are so bad on the issues of violence in the classroom and outside it, as in the absence of inputs for which the teacher exercises and activities," he says.

The problem of low number of trained teachers is not new, according warns Antonio Ibañez, director of the Board of Education from the CNE and retired professor of mechanical engineering course at the University of Brasilia (UNB). When I was president of UNB in ​​1991, he found through reports the small number of teachers licensed in natural sciences and the university the previous 30 years. "There were few indeed, less than two dozen. Worried me of how a major university had formed so few teachers for basic education, something that, I realized later, was a widespread problem in other states."

The CNE published a report in May 2007, through a simulation quantified the teachers needed to meet all students who were enrolled in the second cycle of basic education and secondary education. "The conclusion was that, above mentioned subjects, teachers or missing, then the vacancies were filled by teachers who had no specific qualification or titration necessary to discipline," said Ibañez. It was estimated that there were 106,600 total demand for teachers trained in math and 55 200 in physics and chemistry. But the number of graduates between 1990 and 2001 was only 55 300 (Mathematics), 7200 (physical) and 13.5000 (chemistry).

The ten new students in undergraduate physics and mathematics from the University of São Paulo (USP), in 2010, five did not want to be teachers in basic education or were not sure about it. The data are from the master's thesis of educator Luciana France Leme.

Among graduates in physics in Bauru Campus of UNESP, between 1991 and 2008, most came to teach at basic cycle - but gave up a third profession. The finding is also the result of a research by Sérgio Kussuda on the choice of graduates in physics at the university. Among the 377 graduates degree in physics at the time the survey was attended by 52 graduates who responded to the questionnaires. Among them, 32, at some point in their career, taught at Basic Education. According to the presentation of the thesis Kussuda, one of the main conclusions is that the lack of physics teachers is not only due to the small number of graduates, but rather the avoidance of teaching for other professional areas.

The study Luciana also pointed out that, among those enrolled in education in 2010, 30% did not want or were unsure about entering the teaching profession. "The propensity to not be a teacher among freshmen in pedagogy is much lower than the degrees in physics and mathematics, but there is a negligible percentage," says educator.

The low demand for undergraduate courses in general and low levels of education, the propensity of a significant portion of the entering these courses not to pursue a career teaching and evasion of young teachers of basic education are some of the main factors which together result in a framework of teacher shortages. The challenge in attracting teachers is not unique to Brazil (see more on p. 50) and, as yet, has not affected the private network significantly, but generates some concerns. The problem worsens when one notes that teachers teach subjects for which they have specific training. "Data show that about half of the teachers of Basic Education are improvised, ie, were not trained to teach what they teach," says Dilvo Ristoff.

Vera Placco, professor and coordinator of the graduate program in Education (Educational Psychology) at PUC-SP, evaluates many educational policies to enhance teacher education and have not achieved concrete results desired. "It is necessary that the teacher has an ongoing education that enables him to act more active in the classroom and in school, participating in the structuring of the curriculum and of the political-educational school," he argues. For her, the teacher preparation to work with different ages should be deepened in continuing education.

Dilvo Ristoff assesses that significant steps have been taken to valuing teaching career and subsequent search by the attractiveness of the profession, as the Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (Pibid), the law of the minimum wage and the National Teacher Training Basic Education (PARFOR), which the program is part of the second degree. "But all actions are inadequate: some are specific and depend on others to overcome the systemic crisis and conflict skills in the Federation to its success." At the same time they face the core issues, institutions and the federal government should create policies focused teacher training with special emphasis on disadvantaged areas. "This, however, should not mean disincentive to other areas because we have needs in all disciplines and in all regions of the country," he says.

Paula Louzano, professor at the School of Education at USP, highlights that the professionalization of teaching involves valuing the idea of ​​a profession that should be occupied by someone who studied properly for this. "If you agree with this idea, then you can not distance learning terms - no one speaks, for example, in distance learning for training doctors. Gives not, therefore, to be a lighter training." According to Paula, today 30% of teacher training courses in Brazil are away. In 2006, there were 17%.

A program for structuring the MEC, I want to be a teacher, I want to be a scientist, is geared to the areas of mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology, with incentives to high school students to pursue careers in science or teaching in basic education. The program aims to serve 100,000 students: will be incorporated, according to the MEC, Olympics medalists students in mathematics and English, among others - were not clearly defined criteria yet. Teachers participating in the program are entitled to scholarships and extension in formation - want to be the teacher ... not intended to condition the bags and titrations graduate students to satisfactory performance, but it may be decided in the states and municipalities. The goal is to offer ten thousand bags Pibid. The MEC will not say if new bags, added to that already offered by Pibid, or if part of the already offered scholarships will be allocated to the program - according to Capes in 2012 were offered 40,000 scholarships Pibid category for undergraduate students. "The grants to motivate the student to go to the graduate compete with a multitude of other scholarships. Therefore is no longer a feature so attractive," says Antonio Ibañez.

The counselor CNE idealizes the routine Teachers Basic Education has similarities with that of university professors. "They have a career and know which route they have to follow," describes. And argues that teachers can do research on methods and learning outcomes of students, presenting them at conferences of Basic Education, with a dynamic similar to that which exists in higher education. Flavinês Grindstone bet in a setting other than the current one. "A school climate with interpersonal relationships harmonious and balanced, with mutual support among teachers, opportunities for collective work, are some of the aspects that can make the job more satisfying and pleasurable, and it certainly helps that the teacher remains in profession. But of course it depends not only on the efforts of people, you need public policies that offer spaces for collective works and other type of work organization within the school. Yeah, shorty, it's happening, "says Flavinês.

The lack of attractiveness of the degrees

What can aggravate the diagnosis of CNE made in 2007 is that the demand for degrees as a whole, the country continues to diminish in recent years. In 2005, 1.2 million were enrolled. In 2010, after a year on year drop recorded were 928,000 enrollments. The numbers have been processed and presented in November of last year in an article co-authored with Dilvo Ristoff Lucidio Bianchetti, also a professor at UFSC, from the Census of Higher Education. The decline contrasts with the growing number of graduates and technologists formed. "Existing programs Capes, although they are good and necessary, can not interfere with the unattractiveness of the degrees. Universities need help with courage redesigning its undergraduate teaching projects, understanding that these courses is to prepare future teachers not the bachelor, "says Ristoff.

"I was preparing lessons for any discipline"
William Rodrigues, left teaching to return to graduate
William Rodrigues graduated in history at the campus of Assisi Paulista State University in 2010. Among the last semester of undergraduate and early 2012, was a professor of the state of São Paulo in the category "O" - procurement system for a specified time to meet temporary needs such as replacement teachers. "Many times I gave lessons in mathematics, physics and English. And students knew that I was a professor of history and who was there covering a hole, they were fully aware of it," he says.

From July to December 2011, he was a kind of duty, hoping the lack of some random teacher. It arrived in a week, to give 46 lessons. "I've prepared at home, lessons that could be taught to any discipline," he says. In early 2012, William was approved in the contest of teachers for a position in the final state public. But chose to give up the teaching career and not assumed office. On occasion, was moving to Foz do Iguaçu (PR), which had to enroll in a second degree in international relations at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila). Today, follows as a student in the second year of the course. William was in Assisi in May, on holiday travel RI, when he talked by phone with Education. Contact with the hometown where he graduated at UNESP did think about the possibility of returning to teaching. "I was missing a lot here. This last month, I felt sorely missed classes: history gives me shining eyes, is a course with which I wanted to work," he says. "I think I even go back to teach, I miss the room and contact with students. Being a teacher is very good, not bad. Which is bad is the neglect is leaving home and unable to work due to lack of structure ".

And in private?

Amábile Pacios, president of the National Federation of Private Schools (Fenep) and director of the college Dromos, Distrito Federal, not seen, yet, significant problems of shortage of teachers in private schools of Basic Education. "But I think the network could be impacted in the future, because we have fewer people interested in teaching," he predicts. "We need public policy, but also lack recognition of the population. Ago discredit and disqualify the teacher - and in some cases, in particular is more pronounced: when, for example, families vindicate the child rather than the position a teacher has assumed in the classroom, "he says.

João Carlos Martins, director general of Renaissance College in São Paulo, and educational consultant in private, engaged in the management of schools for about 20 years and is also concerned about a possible teacher shortage in the future. "We still have a good group of teachers in the market for early childhood education and primary education 1, but for basic and secondary education 2 the condition is difficult," he identifies. He believes that many graduates go directly from undergraduate to post-graduate.


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