Enhance forest cover can keep the water quality

Enhance forest cover can keep the water quality

Enhance forest cover can keep the water quality

12/03/2013 - eco4u
The forest coverage is essential for the maintenance of water quality of water bodies in areas with agricultural and livestock activity. At the same time , the recovery and enrichment of existing forests can provide a faster response for the protection of surface waters. The findings are from a research engineer Carla Cristina Cassiano held at the Department of Forest Science ( LCF ) , School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz ( Esalq ) USP , in Piracicaba .

The study was divided into two parts. The first sought to evaluate the conditions of forest vegetation in the study area and its potential in providing services , and the second part measured the effect of vegetation on physico- chemical parameters of water. " The units were defined in the Corumbataí ( São Paulo ) river basin from the mapping of land use in 2000 by the method of adaptive sampling , where units should have a minimum of 70 % and matrix 10 % forest cover , "explains Carla . " Six units of 16 square kilometers ( km2 ) , three units with three units and pasture matrix with cane sugar matrix were selected ."

With units defined mappings by photointerpretation for five dates (1962 , 1978.1995 , 2000 and 2008 ) were performed and from this mapping was used to calculate the changes in land use and indices for forest fragments that identified its trajectory . " The research proposed a methodology for characterizing the potential to protect water resources from the forests of the structure and dynamics of the landscape, allowing differentiation of forest vegetation according to its history, location and characteristics of the land ," says Silvio Professor Frosini Barros Ferraz, who supervised the research .


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