


                                                  PROTECT NATURE

                      Why is there water and why should we save?

- Filed under: water, health, environment, consumer
March 22 is celebrated the day of the water. To remember the date, Turminha publishes response to questions three readers: Water is very important to save? (Vinícius, age 7) Why is water and why should we save? (Job, 13) Why are there people who spend lots of water knowing that it is important? (Noelle, age 6)

Why does water exist we would not know to explain because there is water on some planets and not in others. We only know that, for some reason, her existence on Earth was possible because there were atoms of hydrogen and oxygen that combined to form the water molecule (H2O), which is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. These hydrogen atoms will bind to other atoms of oxygen, which in turn bind to two hydrogen atoms, and so on, forming water.

If our planet there was no water, there would be no possibility of life here, as plants, animals and human beings can not survive without it. The weight of the body, for example, consists of 50% to 75% water depending on the age, sex and the amount of fat of the person. The fluids of the body are complex chemical mixtures, mostly, they are dissolved or suspended in water. So if we drank no water we would die.

Unfortunately, the waters of our planet are becoming ever more polluted because of untreated sewage and chemicals that are dumped into rivers and seas every day. As river water is very polluted, before coming into our homes it must first pass through a treatment plant for the removal of pollutants, because untreated water can transmit several diseases, such as diarrhea, cholera, schistosomiasis and various others.

The treatment process to decontaminate the water is expensive, and so it is important not to waste it. If we take long shower, brush our teeth or wash dishes with the tap water we are playing out unnecessarily. We can also save water not flushing the toilet unnecessarily, repairing plumbing leaks in the house, watering plants with watering and washing the car with bucket, instead of using the hose, and not playing the frying oil in the drain sink, because the oil polluting rivers and complicates the treatment of water.

Anatomy & Physiology
Kenneth Saladin

To know the cycles of water, utilities and how it save it, go to the booklet "Being a friend of the water."

We invite you to visit our "Ask the Turminha" to learn more questions asked by other children (and their answers) and also send us your questions.


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