Beware when buying something: Consumer

Beware when buying something: Consumer

Beware when buying something: Consumer
joseluizts2013 April 25th, 2013

Not Just kidding! When you buy something, do a search before price, be suspicious when the product is very good and the price is low. Look ascertain whether the place is safe, if the firm is named in evidence at Procon to have many complaints. Check the delivery time if shipping charge, if there is no increase of any unsolicited service. We can cite as examples frequently the extended warranty, the sale of various insurance, this may characterize the bundling, which is a crime!!
When you walk into a department store or shopping as a consumer have the right to be well attended, after all is not that the free service will be provided or purchased good!! When someone enters a trade and makes a purchase turns the economy, contributes to the development of the company, pay taxes to the government, pays the salary of employees and ensures the profit of the company owners. Collaborating to improve public and private, that he together with other factors strengthens society, the development of the country
Finally, the consumer helps in maintaining healthy economy, so must be treated with respect, promptly and with kindness. Sell ​​at any price should not be the goal of the business, the main thing is to sell products and quality services, coupled with a good service and at a cost that the consumer can afford without feeling exploited. The more the entrepreneur to invest in training programs for customer service, most will see your enterprise grow economically. Treat the customer well is above all proof of the business intelligence. Customer satisfied is ensuring new customers and prosperity.


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