


Apollo ( Greek: . . Ἀπόλλων , transl Apollon , or Ἀπέλλων , Apellōn transl ) was one of the principal deities of the Greco - Roman mythology , one of the Olympians . Son of Zeus and Leto , and twin brother of Artemis, possessed many attributes and functions , and possibly after Zeus was the most influential and revered god of all of classical antiquity . The origins of his myth are obscure , but in the time of Homer was already of great importance , being one of the most cited in the Iliad . It was described as the god of divine distance , who threatened or protected from the high heavens , being identified as the sun and the light of truth . Made the men aware of their sins and was the agent of his cleansing ; presided over the laws of religion and on the constitutions of the cities , was the symbol of prophetic and artistic inspiration , being the patron of the most famous oracle of antiquity , the Oracle of Delphi , and leader of the Muses . It was feared by the other gods and only his father and mother could contain it . He was the god of sudden death , pests and diseases , but also the god of healing and protection from evil forces . He was also the god of beauty , the perfection , of Harmony , Balance and Reason , the initiator of the youth in the adult world , was connected to Nature , the herbs and the flocks , and was patron of shepherds , sailors and archers . Although I have had many loves, was unfortunate in that area, but had several children . Was shown numerous times from antiquity to the present, usually as a young , naked and beardless man , in the prime of his vigor , sometimes with a mantle , a bow and a quiver of arrows , or a lyre , and with some of their symbolic animals like snake, the crow or the griffin .
Apollo was identified with syncretically large number of major and minor deities in their various places of worship , and survived covertly throughout the flowering of early Christianity , which has appropriated many of its attributes to adorn their own sacred characters , as Christ and the Archangel Miguel . However , in the Middle Ages Apollo was identified by Christians often with the Devil . But since the association of Apollo with the unholy power of the Roman emperor Augustus originated a powerful symbolic imagery of ideological imperialism support of monarchies and the personal glory of kings and princes . His myth has been worked for centuries by philosophers , artists and other intellectuals for the interpretation and illustration of a variety of aspects of human life , society and the phenomena of nature , and his image is still present in a variety of ways in hoje.Até same day his worship , after a century of oblivion , was recently resurrected by current neo-paganism .



- Apollo
Apollo Apollo ( Yunani: .. Ἀπόλλων , Transl Apollon, atau Ἀπέλλων , Apellōn Transl ) adalah salah satu daripada dewa-dewa utama mitologi Yunani- Rom , salah satu daripada Olimpik . Anak Zeus dan Leto, dan saudara kembar Artemis , memiliki...

- Apollo
Apollo Apollo (հունական .. Ἀπόλλων , transl Ապոլլոն , կամ Ἀπέλλων , Apellōn transl) մեկն էր հիմնական Կենդանակերպ վերջույթներով եւ հունա - հռոմեական դիցաբանության...

- Apollo
Apollo Apollo (griechisch: .. Ἀπόλλων , übers Apollon oder Ἀπέλλων , Apellōn transl ) war eine der Hauptgottheiten der griechisch- römischen Mythologie , einer der Olympioniken . Sohn des Zeus und der Leto und Zwillingsbruder der Artemis,...

- Apollo
Apollo Apollo (Grieks : .. Ἀπόλλων , commentaa Apollon , of Ἀπέλλων , Apellōn commentaa ) was een van die belangrikste gode van die Grieks-Romeinse mitologie, een van die Olympians . Seun van Zeus en Leto , en tweelingbroer van Artemis...

- Aphrodite
Aphrodite By Thais Pacievitch Aphrodite is a goddess in Greek mythology . She is the goddess of love, beauty and sex . Corresponds to daMitologia Roman goddess Venus . In the cities of Corinth , Sparta and Athens, Aphrodite was worshiped much . The goddess...

