


By Roméro Costa Machado, writer.
Under the title of "Empire Crimes Globe", the eponymous article, published on June 28, 1993, the Press Tribune, unfold and deepen it, enriching it in several other articles. Thus, the reader will be better able to refuse simplistic summary encouraged by Globo itself, to say that Globe made ​​only a few sins, be kind against the "Direct Elections Now", or announce them on your news as a party in honor of the anniversary of the city of São Paulo.
The Globe is not this and not only that. Accept this simplistic version is to minimize the Empire Crimes Globe taste and interest of the Globe itself. This simplistic summary only interests the Globe whatever people have in mind as being just a few of its journalistic sins. But, however, we see the following things are not so. Quite the contrary.
It is crucial to keep in mind that the globe is illegal, wrong, and criminal pie since its inception, with the scandal called Time-Life, when Roberto Marinho joined illegally to a foreign group against the laws of the country, with paid in capital goods they did not own the assets recorded as inalienable were sold, there was import of heavy to mount your communications industry with favored rates for four years prior to import equipment. Were many, many, many abuses and frauds that had no other choice to escape the blatant that it was not sending boot leaves 42 and following of the book in 1478 the Office of the Clerk II Notes, as brilliantly discovered and reported by Daniel Herz in his book "the Secret History of Globo".
Say that the Globe was created primarily with the CIA support to sustain and support the military coup of 1964, is more than an exercise in rhetoric, since the expense of that support military dictatorship Globo enriched exchanging favorable news for dictators ads that guaranteed the survival of the Globe and military dictatorship. And with that the main and biggest crimes of the dictatorship were covered up, as the scandal RioCentro in the military - to eternizarem in power - took a popular festival in RioCentro with large public, locked the gates outside with all there and the public pumps were playing in public to cause panic, pain and death, and thus blame the revolutionaries against the dictatorship and the Globe called terrorists.
During the military dictatorship Globo also covered up Operation Bandeirantes (OBAN), in which the revolutionaries against the dictatorship were killed in many different ways including airplane thrown in the sea, open to non boiarem and the bodies do not appear ever belly. The Globe also covered up Operation Gasometer, which, like the scandal RioCentro would kill crowds, to be blown up the gas tank of Rio de Janeiro, sending into the air several blocks, to blame the revolutionaries and perpetuate the military dictatorship.
Also on the association with the crime of dictatorship, Globo bankrolled the false news of the murders of Vladimir Herzog, loyal son, Stuart Angel and hundreds of other revolutionaries, always taking as true the criminally false reports of the medical partner of the dictatorship, Harry Shibata . And the cynicism of the Globe was such that when some revolutionaries were arrested after torture, were presented on the evening news of the Globe, confessing "spontaneously" their crimes against the country, to "serve as an example to the revolutionary youth" (called the Globe terrorist) .
Not enough to change the dictatorship fake news ads, Globo went further, bank robberies practiced as anyone. In Banerj, after taking a favored loan, that if applied in Banerj own (even without the money coming off the bench), the difference between what they should pay and what they receive for investment would yield millions and millions. And in return the blow, the globe has led to the entire board Banerj to work in the Globe itself. What earned the Roberto Marinho the nickname "The Greatest Burglar Banks of Brazil", title given by the newspaper "The Quibbler".
But the bank robberies did not stop there. Had the Bank of Brazil, also shamefully subsidized interest rates; had the Central Bank at subsidized rates and rates with value prior to importing equipment over four years; Savings which had the money, almost free, was taken from the worker (FGTS) to build Projac; and the latest scandal was the BNDES in the Globe intends to rely on the federal government to bankruptcy and settle a liability of more than three billion dollars. (That's right: three BILLION dollars)
Scandal is not lacking in the life of the globe. Since the simple case of selling stolen car, with chassis rescheduled and almost cause the arrest of the buyer rather than the sellers (the owners of the Globe), causing the surreal situation where neither the police nor the DMV wanted (refused) determine the sale of stolen car and arrest the culprits even before the tests. Even the cases of personal pursuits, such as the Base School and the Shimada family, destroyed by the false news of Rede Globo. Or as the persecutions to Bishop Macedo (UCKG) for having bought the Record Television Network, or José de Paiva Netto, (LBV) for scoring the channel Globo São Paulo that wanted so badly for your channel Futura. Persecution and cowardice always been the forte of Globe.
Scandal? It is not lacking in the life of Globe. Since the very existence of IBOPE (which is already a scandal in itself) and their bogus Fahrenheit indices that give 32 points to the Globe audience even with all TVs off amid a "black out," or the popularity index in elections controlled by Globo, until the criminal issue of debate Collor versus Lula and Collor just electing the president. Not to mention the biggest electoral scandal in the country, which was the scandal Globe-ProConsult where disclosure of calculating the ratios of the election were tampered with and falsified by ProConsult and published by the Globe, to prevent the election of Brizola in Rio de Janeiro, and that was only made public knowledge thanks to the measurement of true indexes by Pasqualini Institute and the complaint Bizola foreign correspondents, as the national press (as always) were all committed, subject and controlled by Globo.
But the two biggest crimes Globo, Roberto Marinho which could lead to jail for more than 20 years, as reported by the Tribune Press statement on the criminologist Paul Goldrajch, have not been mentioned here. Namely: The scandals of TV Globo São Paulo and the Roberto Marinho Afundação. Notes were cold, slush, tax evasion, forgery of various documents, where even receipts were typed on typewriters manufactured more than ten years after the date on which the false receipt, cold, was machine made. Or the case of the list of notorious and known people reported killed to facilitate the purchase of part of the stock power. Or cold receipts business transactions with their CPF's receipts when that date even existed CPF, which was only created more than ten years after the date of receipt.
To rid Roberto Marinho chain and prevent the CPI Afundação (not to mention the CPI NEC / Globe, which was another scandal), the highest authorities of the country abetted: Federal Superintendent of Police ("Federal Police is in the box Globe "headline Tribune's Press), Attorney General, Foundation Trustees, State Attorney General, Minister of Justice, Minister of Finance, Minister of Finance, and to the President of the Republic himself on the season (José Sarney) that the interest of the Globe (and benefited largely washed away bookies, drug dealers and smugglers) published two decrees allowing legalize all cold cash the country in a given period of time, of specific interest to the Globe to warm your cold cash, publicly denounced. All this washed down with a wealth of distribution of television channels and radio stations that were in the hands of deputies and senators who signed the list after installation of the CPI, withdrew their names from the list to prevent installation of the CPI, as reported by Mr Paulo Ramos, responsible for coordinating the CPI Afundação.
As can be seen, the scandals of the globe go far beyond a false news "Direct Elections Now". Globo Network, as the reporter says Hélio Fernandes, is a large supermarket, a business desk, where everything is negotiated. Even prostitution by Globo reported on their news programs is done in the interest of avoiding competition by independent prostitution and preserve their ads "classified" prostitutes in pages and pages in the newspaper O Globo, announcing boys programs, spas and homes massage.
But what is the exploitation and commercialization of ads for prostitution who survived thanks to the exploitation of minors of "small journeymen" who did the distribution and sale of the newspaper O Globo and ensured the survival of the newspaper, thus eliminating the problem of distribution? What is all this before the consensual exploitation of minors? Moreover, connect and minor scandals, nothing more significant than Papatudo scandal, in which the "Queen of shorties" (Xuxa) and the "ambassador of UNICEF" (Didi) were boys advertisements and protagonists of one of the biggest financial scams of this country, which was the sale of tickets by mail Papatudo (Federal Government) and with unique and specific placement of the globe. ("Ask for mommy and daddy buy the tickets Papatudo.'s That speak of" Uncle "Arthur Falk is a lie")
Therefore becomes laughable to hear someone talk about "the scandal of Direct Elections Now". The Globe is more to exploitation of minors, prostitution association, bank robberies, selling stolen car, false invoices, slush funds, forgery of documents, smuggling, election fraud, personal pursuits and widespread disaffection of trambiques that simply disclosing a mistaken false and inaccurate stories about "Direct Elections Now".


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