NETWORK GLOBE AND PEDRO BIAL are outraged by Cordel literature - PLEASE READ

NETWORK GLOBE AND PEDRO BIAL are outraged by Cordel literature - PLEASE READ

NETWORK GLOBE AND PEDRO BIAL are outraged by Cordel literature - PLEASE READ

Truth - Be sure to read .
Cordel who left Globo and Pedro Bial outraged
Description : Description : Description : cid : 1.218661223 @

Antonio Barreto was born in the caatinga of Bahia , Santa Barbara / Bahia - Brazil .

Teacher, poet and cordelista . Lover of popular culture , books , nature , poetry and people who came to Planet Blue to evolve spiritually .

Graduated in Vernacular Letters and post graduate degree in Educational Psychology and Brazilian Literature .

Her third book of poems , flowers Umburana , was published in December 2006 by Seal lyrics of Bahia .

Several papers in journals, magazines and anthologies , and has published approximately 100 flyers twine covering topics related to education , social problems , football , humor and research , in addition to several unpublished titles .

Antonio Barreto also composes music in regional themed tunes , xotes and flasks .
Description : Description : Description : cid : 2.218661224 @
Unlike Pedro Bial
And feel such joy
It signals that you
The bad taste appreciates
Gives value to what is commonplace
It's lazy mental
And loves to plummet .
Long time no see
A program as ' crummy '
Produced by Globo
Aiming Ibope and money
That in addition to divest
Will certainly shrink
The mind of the Brazilian .
I refer to the Brazilian
Standing in formation
And must evolve
Through Education
But it becomes a hostage
Illiterate, ' nobodies '
A slave of illusion .
In front of the TV
Far from reality
Where silly buzzing
Not knowing these people
Devoid and innocent
This huge ' trap ' .
Care, Pedro Bial
Enough esculhambação
Respect the employee
That suffered Nation
Stop calling for heroes
These girls and boys these
Who have faced asshole .
Your father and your mother,
Dear Pedro Bial ,
They are true heroes
And deserve our approval
Because they had to fight
To maintain and educate you
With special effort .
Many already feel bad
With his empty speech.
smart people
Fill with chill
Because when you talk
Your word is bullet
The hurt our pride .
A country like Brazil
Lacking education
Need great people
To give good lesson
But you on the Globe network
This makes a fool of himself
Deceiving the nation .
Respect , Peter Biennial
Our Brazilian people
Waking at dawn
And works all day
Of very hard , walking Husky
You pay taxes, you earn little :
HERO people, warlike people .
While society
At this current time
Worries about the crisis
Economic and social

You need to understand
What do we learn
Something serious - not trivial .
This program Globe
Come show us without cheating
Everything that occurs there
Looks like a human zoo
Dominated by the cunning
The trickery , the baseness :
A sub -human scenario .
The morals and intelligence
Are no longer valued .
"Heroes " star in
A world of antics
Without discretion and without ethics
Where vanity and aesthetics
Are much more than praised .
Do not see poetic force
Or educational project .
A sea of vulgarity
Already it has become imperative .
What really see
It is a depressing program
No purpose .
Perhaps there is objective
" Teacher ," Pedro Bial
What are you looking so
You inject the banal
Deseducando the Brazil
In this vile Big Brother
Brainwashing .
This is a disservice
Bad example to youth
Who needs hope
Education and attitude
But mediocrity
United banality
Makes one study .

It's great embarrassment
Of confined persons
A luxurious space
Cavort ballads :
" Beautiful " bodies in the pool
The adrenaline spend :
In this sea of ​​antics .
  If the intention of the Globe
It is the " dumbing down "
Leaving the demented people
Hostage of his power :
But know that the exception
( Lovers of education )
Will challenge the count.
To you , Pedro Bial
A merchant of illusion
Along the mighty Globe
Leading our Nation
I ask you this favor :
Reflect on your work
And listen to your heart .
And you dear brothers
What is this blindness
Do not make more connections
Supporting this nonsense .
Do not give your money to the Globe
This is a fool of myself :
Run away from this crap.
And when you get to the end
This vile Big Brother
It contributes nothing
For the people manly
Nobody will miss :
Who profits the company is
Of our beloved Brazil .
And know , dear reader
That we are to blame

Because out of our pocket
These millions desired
What are daily connections
quite unnecessary
For those unemployed .
The store BBB
Only selling crap
Fooling a lot of people
Soon it spreads
With so much futility
A sea of vulgarity
Will never have value .
Enough of vulgarity
And sex appeal .
We are not just football
baixaria and carnival.
We want education
Also evolution
In the spiritual world .
Where citizenship
Of our educators
Of students, politicians
Poets , workers ?
We will always be deceived
and we remain silent
before misleading ?
Barreto ends well
Alerting the Bial :
Review this misconception logo
React to the force of evil .
Elevate your heart
Taking a decision
Or: follow animal.


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