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Zeus god of thunder , lord of Olympus , was the son of Cronus and Rhea . Cronos had the habit of devouring their own children not to take his place on the throne . Until that Zeus was born and his mother Rhea tired of so much blood and suffering gave Cronus one wrapped stone in place of Zeus , saving his life . Rhea Zeus decided that would be the last son and would end the reign of blood and suffering and would take his father's throne .

Once Cronus discovered he had swallowed a stone instead of the son went in search of Zeus , but could not find . Zeus was created in the grove of Crete and was fed with honey and goat milk . And so when he grew up was the way the father to fight it , they turned bitter enemies , Zeus forced his father to swallow a magic drink that restored all the children who had eaten in the past . It was then that Zeus met his four brothers : Demeter, Poseidon , Hestia and Hades , Hera just missed that as Zeus was spared and he was not there. Zeus released the Cyclopes who also gave him the Ray . So after ten years , that was the time that the war lasted , ascended to Olympian Zeus along with his brothers Poseidon and Hades who helped destroy Kronos , and then commanded the Sky, the Earth and the other gods .
Zeus had the power of atmospheric phenomena and was lightning and thunder with his right hand and threw the rain , could use its strength as destructive , but also sent rain for the crops .
Zeus married three times , his first wife was Metis goddess of caution and she had her daughter Athena. His second wife was the goddess of justice Themis . And his third wife was his sister Hera and she had several heirs , but that was the only legitimate son of Hera and Zeus was Ares, who was the god of war . Heras was very jealous and aggressive as Zeus dishonored his life with Heras , had many lovers , and also ended up having many children outside of his marriage . Zeus used his power of seduction and even wore the most beautiful metamorphosis to conquer women . The best known are : the Swan Leda and the Bull of Europe .
Zeus is God that gives man the path of reason and also teaches that true knowledge is obtained only from the pain.


- Zeus
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- Zeus
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