Vinicius de Moraes

Vinicius de Moraes

Vinicius de Moraes

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Vinicius de Moraes

Vinicius de Moraes in 1970 .
general Information
Also known ( a) as
October 19, 1913
Rio de Janeiro , RJ
Date of death
July 9 de1980 ( 66 years)
Place of death
Rio de Janeiro , RJ
Genre ( s )
MPB , bossa nova, samba
Affiliation ( s)
Carlos Lyra , Tom Jobim , Toquinho
Vinicius de Moraes , born Marcus Vinicius de Moraes ( Rio de Janeiro , October 19, 1913 - Rio de Janeiro , July 9, 1980 ) was a diplomat , playwright , journalist , poet and Brazilian composer .
Essentially lyric poet , which earn him the nickname " little poet " , which would have given Tom Jobim , 6 became famous for his sonnets . Known as an inveterate bohemian , smoking and whiskey connoisseur , was also known for being a great conquistador.7 The poetinha married nine times throughout his life and his wives were: Beatriz Azevedo de Melo ( better known as Tati de Moraes ) , Regina Pederneiras Boscoli Lila , Maria Lucia Proenca , Nelita de Abreu , Cristina Gurjão , Gesse Gessy , Marta Rodrigues Santamaria ( the Martita ) and Gilda de Queiroz Mattoso .
His work is vast , through literature, theater , cinema and music . In the musical field, poetinha had as main partners Tom Jobim , Toquinho , Baden Powell , João Gilberto , Chico Buarque and Carlos Lyra .

Vinicius de Moraes was born in 1913 in the Gávea district in Rio de Janeiro , son of Clodoaldo Pereira da Silva Moraes , an official of the Municipality , poet and amateur violinist , and Lydia Cruz , amateur pianist. Vinicius is the second of four children , Clark (1911 ) , Laetitia (1916 ) and Helius (1918 ) . He moved with his family to the neighborhood of Botafogo in 1916 , where he began his studies at the Primary School Peixoto . Since then, he showed interest in writing poetry . In 1922 , his mother became ill and the family of Vinicius moved to Governor's Island , he and his sister remained with Clark 's grandfather , in Botafogo , to finish primary school .
Vinicius de Moraes joined in 1924 at St. Ignatius College , the Jesuit priests , where he began singing in the choir and began assembling small pieces of theater . Three years later , he became a friend of the brothers Paulo and Haroldo Tapajós , with whom he began to make his first compositions and performing at parties for friends . In 1929 , the gym and completed the following year , he joined the Faculty of Law of the Cattete today National Law School ( UFRJ ) . Called In " College Cattete " , met and became friends of the novelist Otavio Faria , who encouraged literary vocation. Vinicius de Moraes graduated in Law and Social Sciences in 1933 .
Three years later, he got the job of film censor at the Ministry of Education and Health Two years later , Vinicius de Moraes won a scholarship from the British Council to study English language and literature at Oxford University . In 1941 , he returned to Brazil is employing as a film critic in the newspaper " The Morning " . It also became contributor to the magazine " Climate " and was employed at the Institute of Banking .
The following year , failed in his first bid for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA ) . In 1943 , he ran again and this time was aprovado.Em 1946 became the first diplomatic post as vice consul in Los Angeles . With his father's death in 1950 , Vinicius de Moraes returned to Brazil . In the 1950s , Vinicius worked in the diplomatic field in Paris and in Rome , where he used to hold meetings at the home of Cartoon writer Holanda .
At the end of 1968 was removed from the diplomatic service having been compulsorily retired Institutional Act Number Five .
The poet was in Portugal , to give a series of performances, some with Chico Buarque and Nara Leão, when the military regime issued the AI- 5 . The reason given for the withdrawal was the bohemian behavior that prevented him from fulfilling his duties . Vinicius was amnestied ( post - mortem ) for Justice in 1998 . The Brazilian Chamber of Deputies approved in February 2010 a posthumous promotion to the position of the poet " first class minister " of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - the equivalent of ambassador, which is the highest office in the diplomatic service . The law was published in the Official Gazette of June 22 , 2010 and received the number 12,265 .
Vinicius began to become prestigious with his play " Orfeu da Conceição " , on September 25, 1956 . Besides diplomacy , theater and books , his musical career began to take off in the mid- 1950s - time she met Tom Jobim ( one of its major partners ) - when several of his compositions have been recorded by numerous artists . In the following decade , Vinicius de Moraes enjoyed a golden period in the MPB , which were recorded about 60 compositions of his own . Partnerships with composers such as Baden Powell , Carlos Lyra and Francis Hime were signed .
In the 1970s , already established and with a new partner , guitarist Toquinho , Vinicius continued releasing albums and books of great success.
On the night of July 9, 1980 , hitting with Toquinho details about the songs on the album " Noah's Ark " , Vinicius claimed tiredness and had to take a bath . At dawn the next day Vinicius was awakened by the maid , who had met him in the bath house , having difficulty breathing . Palhares , who was sleeping , woke up and tried to help him, followed by Gilda Mattoso ( last wife of the poet ) , but there was no time and Vinicius de Moraes died the morning .
artistic career

Vinicius Pierre Seghers .
At the end of the 1920s Vinicius de Moraes produced letters written ten songs - nine of them partnerships with Tapajós Brothers . His first record as a songwriter came in 1928 , when he wrote (with Harold ) " Blonde or Brunette " recorded in 1932 by the duo of brothers . Vinicius had published his first book of poems , The Way to Distance , in 1933 , and launched other books of poems that década.7 other songs of his own were also recorded , such as " Pain of a Missing " ( composed with Joaquin Medina ) , recorded in 1933 by João de Barros and Petra Joaquin Medina , " Kiss You wanted to Give It " ( composed with Haroldo Tapajós ) and " Song of the Night" ( composed with Paul Tapajós ) , both recorded in 1933 by the Brothers Tapajós and also " Song for Someone " ( composed with Haroldo Tapajós ) , recorded by the same a year later.
Even in the 1930s Vinicius de Moraes established friendships with the poets Manuel Bandeira , Mário de Andrade and Oswald de Andrade . In its phase considered mystical , he received the Award for Philip D' Oliveira livroForma and Exegesis , 1935 . The following year , launched the book Ariana , the Woman .
Declared itself in youth supporter of Integralism , Brazilian party fascist inspiration.
Phase change
In the 1940s his literary works were marked by verses in simple , sensuous and hesitant language, sometimes laden with social issues . Vinicius de Moraes published books Five Elegies ( 1943) , which marked this new phase , and Poems , Sonnets and Ballads ( 1946) ; work illustrated with 22 drawings by Carlos Leão Acting as a journalist and film critic for several newspapers , Vinicius launched in 1947 , with Alex Vianny , the film magazine. Two years later , in Barcelona published the book My Motherland .
In the political arena , after traveling to the Northeast in 1942 , in the company of U.S. writer Waldo Frank , becomes a staunch anti -fascist and shall be influenced by communist ideas .
Back to Brazil in early 1950 , after serving in the U.S. Foreign Ministry , Vinicius began working in the newspaper Ultima Hora, exercising bureaucratic functions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs .
In 1953 Aracy de Almeida recorded " When You Raisins For Me," first samba of his own. Writing with Anthony Mary , the song was dedicated to his wife Tati de Moraes - and also marked the end of their marriage. Later that year, Vinicius went to Paris as second secretary of the Brazilian embassy . Aracy de Almeida also recorded " Love Bending Over to Sao Paulo " ( another collaboration with Antonio Maria ) in 1954 .
Orpheus and his friend Tom
More information : Orfeu da Conceição
In 1954 , Vinicius published his collection of poems , Poetic Anthology , published the same year as his theatrical play Orfeu da Conceição , winning the contest of the IV Centenary of São Paulo Anhembi and published in the magazine. Two years later, when Vinicius sought someone to music for the piece , and accepted the suggestion friend Lucio Rangel to work with a young pianist , Antônio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim , who was then 29 years old and lived the sale of music and arrangements in inferninhos Copacabana .
The meeting between Tom and Vinicius born one of the most fruitful partnerships in Brazilian music, that definitely mark . The two composed the soundtrack , which included " I'm sorry in Morro " , " If All To You " , " A Name of a Woman " , " Woman Woman Always " and " Me and You " and were released on disc by Roberto Paiva Luiz Bonfa and Orchestra . The play premiered at the Teatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro . In addition to these songs , the duo Tom and Vinicius composed , among other classics, " Happiness " , " Chega de Saudade " , " I know that I love you " , "Girl from Ipanema " , " Follies " , among other beautiful songs .
Between 1957-1958 , the French film director Marcel Camus filmed " Black Orpheus " in Rio de Janeiro , this film which received the name of Black Orpheus . Vinicius wrote for the movie " Happiness " and " Our Love " . A year later , the film was awarded the Palme noFestival the Cannes and the Oscar for best foreign film .
In 1957 his diplomatic career had moved to Montevideo , where he remained for three years .
Bossa Nova

Caricature of the poet.
The year 1958 marked the beginning of one of the most important movements of Brazilian music , bossa nova . The cornerstone of the movement came with the album " Song of Love Too ", recorded by singer Elizeth Cardoso . Besides the title track , the anthology LP also had other songs by double Vinicius and Tom as " Luciana " , " White Road " , " Again " and " Chega de Saudade " , in intimate vocal performances .
" Chega de Saudade " was a key song of that new movement , especially since the album Elizeth with the participation of a young guitarist , whose innovative way of playing the guitar , characterized by a new beat , definitely mark bossa nova and become famous worldwide from there. The name of this is guitarist Joao Gilberto . The importance of " Song of Love Too " disk is such that it is taken as a reference for many artists such as Chico Buarque and Caetano Veloso .
Several of the compositions Vinicius were recorded in the latter half of that decade by other artists . Joel Almeida recorded " Blonde or Brunette " (1956 ) . The following year , Aracy de Almeida recorded " Good Morning Sadness " ( composed comAdoniran Barbosa ) , Tito Madi recorded " If All To You " , Bill Farr recorded " I Do not Exist Without You " , Agnaldo Rayol recorded " Serenade Goodbye " Albertinho Fortuna and recorded" I Know What I'm Loving You " . " Our Love " and " Happiness " were two of the more songs released at the end of that decade . The first was recorded by Lueli Figueiró and Diana Montez , both in 1959 . The second was launched by Lueli Figueiró , Lenita Bruno , Agostinho dos Santos and João Gilberto .
Serving the Foreign Ministry in Montevideo since 1957 , Vinicius de Moraes leave the Brazilian embassy in Uruguay only in 1960 . His songs continued to be recorded by many artists in the early 1960s . " Open Window " ( written with Tom Jobim ) by Jandira Gonçalves , and " Heart Beats " ( composed with Antonio Maria ) were launched by Marianna Port of Aragon , cult singer at the time as one of the most powerful voices of a generation of singers .
new partnerships
The following year , Vinicius recorded for the first time his voice in an album containing the sambas " Drinking Water " and "Lamento no Morro " , again partnering with Tom Jobim . The poet also have a new partner in that period , the singer , songwriter and guitarist Carlos Lyra . With it , Vinicius would compose such classics as " You and I " , " Something More Beautiful" , " The First Girlfriend " and " Nothing Like Loving You " . Also in 1961, the Santa Rosa Theatre was opened in Rio de Janeiro with "Wanted a rose " , authored play Vinicius , Peter Bloch and Gláucio Gil - later filmed by Italian film with the name " Una Rosa per Tutti " (The feature film was shot in Rio and starring Claudia Cardinale ) .
In 1962 , the Band of the Corps of Rio de Janeiro Fire recorded " Serenade Goodbye ," a year after gravarem " Ranch of Flowers" marcha-rancho with verses of the poet on the subject of Jesus , Joy of Man by Johann Sebastian Bach . Later that year, while " Song of Eternal Farewell " ( written with Tom Jobim ) " In the Moonlight Night " ( composed with Ary Barroso ) were recorded by Orlando Silva and Angela Maria , respectively , Vinicius de Moraes published three books : Poetic Anthology , Wanted A Rose and To Live A Great Love .
With Pixinguinha , composed the soundtrack of the film Sunshine of the Lama , Alex Vianny , writing the lyrics for chorinhos " sorry " and " Better World " . Also in that period , was born the partnership with composer and guitarist Baden Powell . This would result numerous hits , such as " Call " , " Love Song " , "Song of Ossanha " , "Taiwan" , " Carioca Woman " , " Peace " , " Why cry " , " Samba of the Blessing " , " Samba in Prelude " , " Just for Love "," You Do, " " Happy Time " , among others .
In August 1962, with Tom Jobim , João Gilberto and the group Os Cariocas , Vinicius de Moraes attended " meeting " one of the most important concerts of bossa nova and performed at the nightclub " Au Bon Gourmet " , in Rio de Janeiro . In this show , classics of Brazilian popular music as " She is Carioca " were released , "Girl from Ipanema " , " Follies " , " Samba Aeroplane " and " One Step Up Samba " . That same nightclub has assembled " Poor Little Rich Girl " , another piece of the poet, whose soundtrack featured songs like " You Know " , " Spring" and " Samba do Carioca " ( casting the singer Nara Leão ) , 12 partnerships with both Carlos Lyra . Later that year, Vinicius compose with Lyra "March of Ash Wednesday " and " My Girl " .
Several of those would be recorded in 1963 . Jorge Goulart recorded "March of Ash Wednesday " , Elizeth Cardoso recorded " Carioca Woman " and " Naughty Boy " ( written with Moacir Santos ) , Elza Soares recorded " One Step Up Samba " , Pery Ribeiro and Tamba Trio recorded " Girl from Ipanema " and Jair Rodrigues recorded" The Hill has No Time " ( written with Tom Jobim ) .
In that same period , Vinicius de Moraes launched with actress Odette Lara his first album : Vinicius and Odette Lara . Arranged and conducted by poet Moacir Santos , the LP contained songs partnership with Baden Powell , as " Berimbau " , " Carioca Woman " , " Samba em Preludio " and " Just for Love " , among others . Also in 1963, the Copacabana label released the album " Elizeth Interprets Vinicius " containing the poetinha partnerships with Baden Powell , Moacir Santos ( and arrangements thereof) , and Nile Queiroz Vadico .
Return to Brazil
In 1964 Vinicius returned to Brazil and soon appeared at the club " Zum Zum " , side by Dorival Caymmi , Quarteto em Cy and Oscar Castro Neves Set to . The concert had a great impact in artistic circles and was released on LP by Seal Cast , containing compositions such as " Hello, Friend " ( partnership with Baden Powell ) , " Letter to Tom " , " Day of Creation " and " My Girlfriend " ( partnered with Carlos Lyra ) , and " Adalgiza " , " ... of Roses " , " History of Fishermen " and " Saudades da Bahia " (partnership with singer , songwriter and guitarist Dorival Caymmi ) .
Two songs of Vinicius de Moraes competed in 1965 , the First National Festival of Brazilian Popular Music ( the defunct TV Excelsior ) . " Dragnet " ( composed with Edu Lobo ) , defended by Elis Regina , took first place , and " Waltz of Love that do not Come" ( partnership with Baden Powell ) , defended by Elizeth Cardoso , took second place. Also with the arranger , singer and musician Edu Lobo , Vinicius wrote " Zambi " and " Song of the Dawn " - songs that engaged in the climate of protest at the time and were delivered on projects of Popular Culture Center of the National Union of Students ( UNE ) . For a brief period , Vinicius was assigned to work in Brazil 's delegation to UNESCO , in Europe . The poet also worked with director Leon Hirszman the screenplay for the film The Girl from Ipanema , returned to performing in Zum Zum Dorival Caymmi and released with the book " Cordelia and the Pilgrim ."
In 1965 , the Municipal Theatre of São Paulo was the scene of a tribute to the little poet , Vinicius with the show : Poetry & Song , show that with the participation of the State of São Paulo Symphony Orchestra ( under the baton of maestro Diogo Pacheco ) . Compositions given received arrangements of conductors Guerra Peixe , Radames Gnattali , Luis Eca , Gaya and Luis Chaves and featured performers with Carlos Lyra , Edu Lobo , Susana de Morais , Francis Hime , Paulo Autran , Cyro Monteiro and Baden Powell . When the poet ended the presentation of " If All To You " , the audience responded with ten uninterrupted minutes of applause .
In 1966 , the album was released The Afro - Sambas , with his compositions in partnership with Baden Powell . Listed in the repertoire of the "Song of Ossanha " , " Canto de Xango " , " Canto de Yemanja " and " Lamentation of Eshu " , among other disc, beyond the participation of Powell playing guitar. In that same period , Vinicius attended the concert because it is , in view Theatre , alongside Gilberto Gil and Maria Bethania to . In the spectacle directed by arranger , composer, conductor and pianist Francis Hime , the Rio de Janeiro public first met songs by Gilberto Gil . Later that year, launched the book chronicles For A Girl With A Flower and was also invited to join the jury of the Cannes Film Festival . On occasion , he found that his song " Samba of the Blessing " had been used without proper credit , on the soundtrack of the film A Man and a Woman , French director Claude Lelouch 's , winner of the festival. After a threat of proceedings, the work of Lelouch credited the song Vinicius . The year 1967 marked the premiere of The Girl from Ipanema , based on the eponymous success of Vinicius . She is best known in the world after " Aquarela do Brazil " ( Ary Barroso ) Brazilian song . [ Citation needed ] In that same period , Vinicius organized an arts festival in Ouro Preto and toured to Argentina and Uruguay .
mandatory retirement
In 1968 Vinicius de Moraes attended concerts in Lisbon , in the company of Chico Buarque and Nara Leão Also that year , at the invitation of the critic Ricardo Cravo Albin , Vinicius provided historical testimony to the Museum of Image and Sound ( where he was a member of the Superior Council of MPB ) .
But the year 1968 marked the end of his diplomatic career by Vinicius de Moraes . After 26 years of service to the MRE , Vinicius was retired Institutional Act 5 , created by the Brazilian military dictatorship , a fact that hurt him deeply. On the day the act was edited , Vinicius was in Portugal where he performed a concert . After this show , Salazar students were clustered at the theater door to protest the poet . Notified of this and advised to withdraw funds from the theater , the preferred poetinha face protests and stopping before the protesters began to declaim " I Poetics " ( " De darken morning / day tardo De / De anoiteço afternoon / Evening ardo " ) . Then one of the young men took the cover of your academic attire and put on the floor so he could pass it on Vinicius - act imitated by other students and that , in Portugal , is a traditional form of academic honor.
According to an interview published by Veja on January 12, 2000 former President Joao Figueiredo explained the real causes of the resignation of the Foreign Ministry of the poet : " He even says that many in the Foreign Ministry was revoked or corruption or child abuse is true . . but in his case it was for vagrancy . I was the head of the Central Service Agency and constantly reports that we received him, to the Brazilian Consulate in Montevideo , earning $ 6,000 a month , did not come there for three months . consulted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , which confirmed the charges . we checked and found that it did not come out of the taverns of Rio de Janeiro , playing guitar , performing around with glass of whiskey in the hand . Neither we blink . red hot we sent . "
The rehabilitation of the Brazilian diplomatic corps occurred only thirty years after his death by Law 12,265 of June 21, 2010.20 In a ceremony at the Palace of the Foreign Ministry, Vinicius de Moraes was elevated to the post of foreign minister , similar to the position of ambassador .
Vinicius de Moraes in 1969 published the book and Poetic Work performed alongside Maria Creuza and Dorival Caymmi to Punta del Este . The poetinha also made recital at Quadrant Bookstore , in Lisbon , featuring , among others , the poems " A Woman " , " The Fake Beggar " , " Under the Tropic of Cancer " ( where she worked for nine years) and " Sonnet of intimacy . " The event was recorded live and released on LP by Seal Party . Later that year, Vinicius made ​​presentations in Buenos Aires , next to Caymmi , Baden Powell , Quarteto em Cy and Oscar Castro Neves .
Partnership with Toquinho
In that same period , he started his first compositions with a new partner , guitarist Toquinho . This partnership would classics like " As the poet said ," " Afternoon in Itapoã " and " Testament " .
Vinicius performed in 1970 at the home of Rio Canecão spectacle , with partner Tom Jobim , guitarist and singer Toquinho Miúcha . The show, which recalled the history of the poet , was almost a year in theaters due to the large success . Another striking presentation of Vinícus de Moraes , Toquinho side and the singer Maria Creuza , was in the Argentine city of Mar del Plata , the club La Fusa . The concert would result in live LP Vinicius En La Fusa , one of the most beautiful jewels recorded live Brazilian music . The repertoire , played spectacularly by Bahian singer , were among other " Happiness " , "Girl from Ipanema " , " Irene " , "Lamento no Morro " , " Corner Ossanha " (song by Argentine audience applauded ) , " Samba in Prelude " , " I Know That I Love You " ( song that also included the recitation of the poetinha " Sonnet of Fidelity " to the delight of the Argentine public ) , " My Girl " and " If All to You " , which ended the magnificent concert. The following year , Vinicius returned to Fusa to record a new live LP , also with Toquinho , but this time with singer Maria Bethania on vocals . Songs in this album are present with " The Tonga Mironga the Kabuletê " , " Testament " and " Afternoon in Itapoã " . Also in 1971 , signed with Chico Buarque , on old crying Boy , the song " Humble People " great success recorded by Chico himself and , shortly after , by Angela Maria .
A Vinicius / Toquinho partnership toured various cities and also from outside. Also in 1971, the duo released their first studio LP , especially "Mary Go with the Other " , " Morena Flor " , " The wages of love Rose " and " Testament " . In 1972 , they released the album " Are the Dangers That Other Life " , containing - besides the title track - great hits as " Everyday # 2 " , " To Live A Great Love " and " three rule " . With Toquinho also composed the soundtrack of the telenovela " Our daughter Gabriela " ( the TV Tupi ) , recorded live in that same year . The following year , the duo appeared on the show " The Poet , the Girl and the Guitar " , with singer Clara Nunes at the Castro Alves Theater in Salvador .
In 1974 Toquinho and Vinicius wrote " The Color of April" and " It's Hard Work ," both included on the soundtrack of the novel Fire Over Land, Rede Globo . That same year , the partnership launched Toquinho , Vinicius and Friends album. The album had the participation of Maria Bethania ( the " Appeal" and " Viramundo " ) , Cyro Monteiro ( " What Martyrdom " and " Missed You " , this singer last recordings ) , Maria Creuza ( " hope " and "Lamento no Morro " ) , Sergio Endrigo ( " Poem Degli Occhi " and " La Casa " ) and Chico Buarque ( " Mismatch " ) . Later that year, the duo released " Vinicius and Toquinho ' fourth studio album of the partnership , which featured compositions of their own, such as" Song of the Jet " , " Fearless " and" All Over The Holy Peace " , and even " Samba to Vinicius " , named after the little poet Toquinho and Chico Buarque , who made ​​a cameo on the disc.
Vinicius de Moraes in 1975 released the album " The Poet and the Guitar " . Recorded in Milan , the LP had the special participation of the teachers and Bardotti Bacalov . In the same year , the Philips label released the album " Vinicius and Toquinho " . This LP stands out " Where You Walk " - partnership comHermano Silva and achieved great success . Later that year, Vinicius released the poetry book The Children's Noah's Ark. Ornella Vanoni albums , Vinicius de Moraes and Toquinho were launched in the next year - La voglia , la pazzia , l' incoscienza and l' Allegria and God will Pay - this with the compositions of Edu Lobo and Vinicius partnership.
Vinicius had published in 1977 the book The Brief Moment , 15 serigraphs by Carlos Leão That year, the Philips label released the album " Poetic Anthology ' , a selection of poetry from poetinha and had a cameo by Tom Jobim , Francis Hime and Toquinho . The label Som Livre LP released on the market Tom , Vinicius , Toquinho and Miúcha - Live at Canecão . In 1978 it launched the Vinicius and Amalia album, recorded in Lisbon with Portuguese singer Amalia Rodrigues . That same year , the album was released " 10 Years of Toquinho and Vinicius " - a collection of a decade of work of the two . In 1980 was released the album Noah 's Ark , which brought many performers for infant compositions of the poet , to music from the eponymous book . The album spawned a children's special on Globo that year .
At dawn on July 9, 1980 Vinicius de Moraes began to feel sick in the bathtub of the house where he lived in Gávea , and died shortly after . The poet had spent the previous day with his partner and friend Toquinho , who planned to the last detail in Volume 2 of album " Noah's Ark " . In 1981 , this LP was released .
Even after death , the musical work of Vinicius remained prestigious Brazilian music . The Grand Encounter (1988 ) and The History of Shows Unforgettable - - the Toquinho , Vinicius and Maria Creuza albums were released Poet , Girl and Guitar : Vinicius , Toquinho and Clara (1991 ) , as well as books about the poet was laid as Vinicius de Moraes - book of lyrics ( 1993) by José Castello , Vinicius de Moraes (1995 ) , also Joseph Castello , " Vinicius de Moraes " (1997 ) , Geraldo Carneiro ( an enlarged edition of the book published in 1984 ) . Still in 1993 , Almir Chediak edited the three volumes of the Songbook Vinicius de Moraes .
On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the poet's death in 2000 , the Ipanema beach was the stage of a concert in tribute to Vinicius , which included the participation of Os Cariocas Brazilian Symphony Orchestra , Roberto Menescal , Wanda Sá , Zimbo Trio , Emilio Santiago and Toquinho , playing his own compositions .
In 2003, the year in which the poet would complete its 90th anniversary , several projects have been launched in tribute to his artistic creation . It also launched the official website of Vinicius .
In 2005 " The Girl from Ipanema " , the English version of "Girl from Ipanema," Astrud Gilberto played by Tom Jobim , João Gilberto and Stan Getz and recorded in 1963 , was chosen as one of 50 major musical works of Humanity by Library of Congress . Also in 2005 , debuted at the opening of the seventh edition of the River Festival , Vinicius documentary, directed by Miguel Faria Jr. and produced by Suzanne de Moraes , the poet's daughter , attended by Chico Buarque , Carlos Lyra , Caetano Veloso , Maria Bethania , Adriana Evans , Mariana de Moraes and Olivia Byington , among other guests . The film's soundtrack was released on CD .
In 2006 it launched the " Vinicius de Moraes & Friends " box, with five albums poetinha , containing 70 songs compiled phonograms recorded by several performers and by Vinicius (solo or duet own . The box also included a booklet with biography honored and the lyrics to all the songs .
In 2011 the school Empire Serrano talked about it with the plot : " The Blessing, Vinicius "


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Vinicius de Moraes Mai i Wikipedia , te mātāpunenga noa . Vinicius de Moraes Vinicius de Moraes i roto i te tau 1970 . Information General Mohiotia hoki ( a ) rite Poetinha Birth October 19 , 1913 Wāhi Rio de Janeiro , RJ Brazil Rā o te mate July...

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Vinicius de Moraes De Wikipedia , l'encyclopédie libre . Vinicius de Moraes Vinicius de Moraes en 1970 . Informations générales Également connu (a ) en tant que Poetinha naissance 19 octobre 1913 Lieu de naissance Rio de Janeiro , RJ Brésil...

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Vinicius de Moraes Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie . Vinicius de Moraes Vinicius de Moraes in 1970. Allgemeine Informationen Auch bekannt ( a) Poetinha Geburt 19. Oktober 1913 Geburtsort Rio de Janeiro , RJ Brasilien Todesdatum 9. Juli de1980...

