Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744 - 1810)

Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744 - 1810)

Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744 - 1810)

Arcadian poet who lived between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Born in the city of Porto in Portugal in the year 1744 and came to Brazil in 1749 , when he was only four years. Years later , the poet returns to Portugal to study law at the Faculty of Law at Coimbra, where she carries positions for Magistrates . Attempting a professorship at the University of Coimbra , intituladaTratado advocates of natural law theory, dedicated to the Marquis of Pombal .
He returned to Brazil in 1782 for the then town of Vila Rica (now Ouro Preto ) , in Minas Gerais , being appointed ombudsman and judge. In the same year he met Dorothea Maria Joaquina de Seixas Brandão , youth of sixteen, which inspired the composition of set of poems entitled Marilia Dirceu under the pastoral pseudonym Dirceu .
In the year 1788, Maria Dorothea asks in marriage , but the girl's family , very traditional , initially opposed the marriage and only changed his mind over time.
Tomas Antonio Gonzaga also became famous for his role in Cast Mining , in 1789 , in which various intellectuals and influential people rebelled against the Portuguese monarchy and fought for the independence of the colony .
About to marry Marilia , Gonzaga is arrested for involvement in casting and in the cell , writes much of Marilia Dirceu . The poet had begun work devoted to Maria Dorothea even before going to prison and follows the same while he was in prison , which explains the drastic change in tone over the poems .
In the year 1792 is in exile in Mozambique in order to serve his sentence . In that country , staying in the home of a wealthy slave trader , and in 1793 contracted marriage with his daughter , Juliana Mascarenhas de Souza , with whom he has two sons . He died in 1810 .

After exile in Africa , is published the first part of the work Marilia Dirceu . Initially published in three parts in the years 1792 , 1799 and 1812 (the last after the poet's death ) . In this work , Gonzaga is a wealthy pastor who lives the idylls of country life and sings to his beloved Marilia and nature around you . Initially , the poet writes on topics like love , happiness , life with his beloved and dreams of a family . As noted critic Joseph Nicola , Gonzaga discusses the themes always under a patriarchal stance , also defending tradition and property, in addition, the critic calls attention to the character of the work , although receives the name of the beloved , at any time shows the same voice . Therefore , the set of poems can be considered a monologue in which only the poet expresses feelings. In prison , there is a change of tone in Marilia Dirceu and the poet goes on to reflect on justice and on their fate .
Before going to prison , Gonzaga writes a series of satirical poems in the form of correspondence under the title of Chilean letters . Them , Critilo , an inhabitant of Santiago , criticizes the controls and excesses of governor Buck Minésio . In fact , Santiago would Vila Rica , and its governor , Luis da Cunha Meneses ( then governor of Minas Gerais ) . Moreover , addressing the letters to Dorotheus , who was in fact also the Arcadian poet Claudio Manoel da Costa .

reference :
NICOLA , Jose de . Brazilian Literature : from the origins to our days . Sao Paulo : Scipione , 1998.


- Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744 - 1810)
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- Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744 - 1810)
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- Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744 – 1810)
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