The Emancipadora Education
The Emancipadora EducationJosé Luiz Teixeira da Silva¹
The Emancipadora Education should guide any other type of education. Emancipate is to become responsible socially and politically, free for new choices consciously and critically. It is be supportive contributing so that everyone can get to achieve your goals, your goals, your life plans, their intellectual and personal development with maximum utilization.
To get one Emancipadora Education is necessary to study all theories of education deeply, trying to analyze the factors involved in all processes, debug them, learning from the mistakes of each, making an Integrating Education, holistic, multifaceted, democratic and meaningful both for learning and for those who teach in the interests of each.
In fact, Emancipadora Education is an achievement of the people of common sense. It is the pursuit of knowledge prepared in a simple way, seeking the interests, curiosities, urging students and teachers to build their own knowledge, much more effectively, taking pleasure in appropriating different cultures, oriented to a natural evolution. It is much more than just an encyclopedic education, is a complex theory of what is best in all other theories. However it is very simple to share, you need motivation, firm aims to reach a Quality Education, and the main goal is the common good.
It is to be political without being demagogic, is to multiply the knowledge divide certainties, add the wills of all building an Education theorem. It is lower or zero functional illiteracy, is to enhance the learning of the population who want to be truly free to make your choices critically.
Emancipate is a way of loving his fellow man by giving it to him the opportunity of choices, teaching and learning constantly, using the virtues of the common good, a life full of achievements and achievable goals. So emancipate is to be close to the truth always, always seeking the sympathetic knowledge, true, progressive and shared. Knowledge is only educational if its purpose well, right, fair.
The emancipatory education is the clarification of the good life, integrating rationally positive, enlightening, virtuous, full, are able to unravel the greatest enigmas of society. While society wants to look good and truth, knowledge for the growth of all, the strength to invest in yourself and the next will surely be on the path of liberating education, it is to be expected that politicians are able to see this education as basis of a democratic, honest and fair.
Strengthening the bonds of union, preparation and progress both scientific, moral, ethical, spiritual, social and economic. People doing what every ruler should do, strengthen the state as a whole, saving the good, the right, the right for everyone to enjoy their citizenship in education, culture, peace and sovereignty._____________________________
¹ Professor of Pedagogical Disciplines and Youth and adult educator, Thrice education specialist, Specialist in Public Law, Blogger Organizer Superpsicoeducador, Organizing communities Crazy for Education and Culture, Politics and Education to change, Latin America es una world power , Brazil Unlimited ... Democracy: Yesterday, today and forever ...., Educación para la libre people of her oppression, La Naturaleza, the concept of human dignity .., landscapes, images, messages and everything.. .., Poetry is a way of life ..., Poesía y mucho, mucho más ... All for Education and Ethics in politics, work dignifies the human being, PhD in Education at UCSF ..
The Emancipatory Education
The Emancipatory Education The Emancipatory Education should guide any other type of education. Emancipation is to become responsible socially and politically, free for new choices consciously...
The Emancipadora Education
The Emancipadora Education The Emancipadora Education should guide any kind of education. Emancipate is to become socially responsible and politically free to new choices consciously and...
The Emancipadora Education
The Emancipadora Education The Emancipadora Education should guide any other type of education. Emancipation is to become socially responsible and politically free for new choices consciously...
The Emancipatory Education
The emancipatory education The emancipatory education should guide any other type of education . Emancipate is to become socially responsible and politically free to new choices consciously and...
The Emancipatory Education
The emancipatory education The emancipatory education should guide any other type of education . Emancipate is to become socially responsible and politically free to new choices consciously and...