Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda

Biography of Pablo Neruda , important moments of your life , politics and literary activities , books ,
poetry and poems by Pablo Neruda , Nobel Prize for Literature , Chile
Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda : one of the most important Chilean poets of the twentieth century

Biography , works and literary style
Son of a railway worker and a schoolteacher , was born on July 12, 1904 , in the town of Parral (Chile ) . His real name was Neftali Ricardo Reyes was Basoalto . He lost his mother at birth .
In 1906 , the family moved to the city of Temuco . Starts school at around seven years in the Lyceum for Boys city . Still in school stage , he published his first poems in the newspaper " La Mañana " . In the year 1920 , begins to contribute to the literary journal " Selva Austral " , since using the pseudonym of Pablo Neruda ( tribute to Czech poet Jan Neruda and Frenchman Paul Verlaine ) .

In 1921 goes live in the city of Santiago de Chile and studied pedagogy at the Pedagogical Institute of the University of Chile . In 1923 publishes ' ​​Crepusculario " and the following year " Twenty Love Poems and a Desperate Song " , already a strong brand of modernism .

In 1927 , she began her diplomatic career , after being named consul in Burma . Then shall exercise the function in Sri Spear , Java, Singapore , Buenos Aires , Barcelona and Madrid. In this travel , know several important people in the cultural world . In Buenos Aires , met Garcia Lorca , Rafael Alberti and Barcelona .
In 1930 , marries María Antonieta Hagenaar , divorcing in 1936 . Soon after he began to live with Delia Carril , whom he married in 1946 , to divorce in 1955 . In 1966 , he married again , now with Matilde Urrutia .

In 1936 , the Spanish Civil War explodes . Moved by the war and the killing Garcia Lorca 's friend , agrees with the republican movement . In France , in 1937 , writes " Spain in the heart ." Returns this year to Chile and begins to produce texts with political and social themes .
In 1939 , it appointed consul for the Spanish immigration in Paris and shortly afterwards Consul General of Mexico. In this country writes " Canto General de Chile " , which is considered an epic poem about the social and natural beauties of the American continent .

In 1943 he was elected Senator. Moved by the repressive treatment that was given to mine workers , begins to make several speeches , criticizing President González Videla . Shall be pursued by the government and is in exile in Europe.

In 1952 , he published " The Captain 's Verses " and two years later " The grapes and the wind ." Receives the Stalin Peace Prize in 1953 . In 1965 , he received the honorary degree from Oxford University ( England) . In October 1971 , he received the Nobel Prize for Literature .
During the socialist government of Salvador Allende , is appointed ambassador to France . Patient returns to Chile in 1972 . On 23 September the following year , dies of prostate cancer at the Clinic Santa Maria of Santiago (Chile ) .
Works by Pablo Neruda
Crepusculario .
Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desperate .
Attempt infinite del hombre .
El capita y su esperanza . Novel.
Residencia en la tierra ( 1925-1931 ) .
España en el corazón . Himno a las boast del pueblo en la guerra : ( 1936-1937 ) .
Tercera residencia ( 1935-1945 ) .
Canto General .
Todo el love.
Las y el viento grapes .
Odas elementales .
Nuevas odas elementales .
Tercer libro de las odes .
Estravagario .
Cien love sonnets ( One Hundred Love Sonnets ) .
Navegaciones y regresos .
Poetry : Las Piedras de Chile .
Ceremonial chants .
Memorial de Isla Negra.
Art pájaros .
La Barcaola .
Las manos del día .
Fin del mundo .
Tsunami .
La encendida sword .
Invitación al Nixonicidio alabanza y de la Revolución Chile .
Libro de las preguntas .
Jardín de invierno .
Confieso which he lived . Memories.
To nacer he nacido .
El río invisible . Y juventud prose poetry .
Complete works . 3a . ed. aum .


- Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Biografi Pablo Neruda , detik-detik penting dalam hidup anda , politik dan aktiviti sastera, buku, puisi dan puisi oleh Pablo Neruda , Hadiah Nobel untuk Sastera, Chile Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda : salah satu penyair Chile paling penting...

- Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Biografia di Pablo Neruda , momenti importanti della vostra vita, la politica e le attività letterarie , libri, poesie e poesie di Pablo Neruda , Premio Nobel per la Letteratura , il Cile Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda : uno dei più importanti...

- Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Biographie de Pablo Neruda , des moments importants de votre vie, la politique et les activités littéraires , livres , poésie et poèmes de Pablo Neruda , prix Nobel de littérature , Chili Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda : l'un des...

- Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Biographie von Pablo Neruda, wichtige Momente in Ihrem Leben , Politik und literarische Tätigkeit , Bücher, Poesie und Gedichte von Pablo Neruda, Nobelpreis für Literatur , Chile Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda: einer der wichtigsten chilenischen...

- Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda Biografia de Pablo Neruda, momentos importante de sua vida, atuação política e literária, livros, poesias e poemas de Pablo Neruda, Prêmio Nobel de Literatura, Chile Pablo Neruda: um dos mais importantes poetas chilenos do século...

