Myth of Medusa
Myth of Medusa
Medusa was once a beautiful woman , that all men of Greece wanted to own melodies and women envied . But jellyfish could not marry because he was a priestess of Athena goddess of war and a virgin, she was beyond the male desires , so the servants of the temple of Athena should be virgins . But Poseidon , crazed by desire, raped the virgin priestess in the temple of Athena . Medusa 's innocence was stolen and her life would change forever. By having profaned the temple of the goddess Athena roused his anger , but not on Poseidon ( as a male god , what he did was not surprised ) in the eyes of Medusa Athena was the one who should be punished . Ai then the victim would become the accused . Athena begs a devastating judgment on Medusa and then the beautiful Medusa becomes a monster . Who looked up would turn into stone In the myth , Medusa became a creature called gorgona ( Ancient Greek - horrible ) The change in her appearance was only the beginning of the punishment , because of its petrifying gaze , Medusa was a target . The warrior who won would get the biggest gun of a battle because his severed head could still petrify . So many men tried to kill her , but all failed victims of his gaze .
Mitos Medusa
Mitos Medusa Medusa pernah menjadi wanita cantik, semua orang-orang Greece mahu melodi dan wanita dicemburui sendiri. Tetapi obor-obor tidak boleh berkahwin kerana beliau adalah seorang paderi wanita Athena dewi perang dan...
Mythe Van Medusa
Mythe van Medusa Medusa was ooit een mooie vrouw , dat alle mannen van Griekenland wilde eigen melodieën en vrouwen benijd . Maar kwallen kon niet trouwen, omdat hij een priesteres van Athena godin van de oorlog en een...
Mythe De Méduse
Mythe de Méduse Méduse était une fois une belle femme , que tous les hommes de la Grèce voulaient posséder mélodies et les femmes envient . Mais méduses ne pouvaient pas se marier parce qu'il était une prêtresse...
Mythos Der Medusa
Mythos der Medusa Medusa war einmal eine schöne Frau , dass alle Menschen von Griechenland wollte Melodien und Frauen beneidet besitzen . Aber Quallen konnte nicht heiraten, weil er eine Priesterin der Athena Göttin des...
Mite Van Medusa
Mite van Medusa Medusa was eens 'n pragtige vrou , dat alle mense van Griekeland wou besit melodieë en vroue beny . Maar jellievis kon nie trou , want hy was 'n priesteres van Athena godin van die oorlog en 'n...