Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci
 Ana Lucia Santana

One of the most comprehensive Renaissance artists , Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 day, most likely in a city near Vinci , Anchiano in Italy, although some researchers believe that their homeland is situated between Florence and Pisa , right River Arno.

Leonardo da Vinci
His parents were the notary - now known as notary - Piero di Antonio da Vinci , and the peasant Catarina . Once born , they separated and its parent contracted marriage with another woman , Albiera di Giovanni Amadori , much younger than him. At the age of five , Leonardo was removed from maternal custody and handed over to the father.
His childhood passed in the rural sphere, which explains his attachment to nature . He was an avid horse , which in the future would become targets of their research . Incidentally , Leonardo would become the model of classical education , rescued the Renaissance , dominated as broad areas of knowledge: anatomy, engineering, mathematics, music , natural history , architecture, sculpture, painting , and still reveal a talented inventor.
His scientific production , genius , hidden in drafts and encodings , never highlight , as did his artwork . This bias breeder guarantee him fame and rewards . In 1469 the artist goes to Florence and then starts his career in the sphere of the arts , studying painting in the studio of famous painter of Florence , Andrea del Verrocchio .
His research in the field of anatomy begin to develop in 1472 . At this time , Da Vinci creates several drawings and diagrams of the human body . In this first stage of his creation , which runs until 1480, he elaborates minor works such as Madonna and Carnation , the Benois Madonna and perhaps the Annunciation .
In 1482 the artist goes to Milan , and this city works to Ludovico Sforza , acting as engineer , sculptor and painter . In this period, which is limited by the year 1486, he embarks on one of his best-known achievements , The Virgin of the Rocks , designed to paint an altar . Until 1488 he devoted to architecture , standing in the studio from Milan Cathedral

Leonardo , before returning to Florence , performs his last work for the Sforza , the classic The Last Supper . In 1500 , already back to Florentine city enters its most productive stage in the sphere of painting, composing this period his most famous and mysterious , creating a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo , wife of Francesco del Giocondo - the famous Mona Lisa .
About the same time he begins to produce the mural called Battle of Anghiari . In 1516 , with the death of his patron and protector Giuliano de Medici , Da Vinci starts operating next to sovereign Francis I of France . The artist died in France in 1519 , in the city of Cloux . His body was buried in the Church of S. Florentino in Ambroise subsequently destroyed during the uprisings occurring in the French Revolution .


- Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci  Ana Lucia Santana Uno de los artistas más completos del Renacimiento , Leonardo da Vinci nació el 15 de abril 1452 días , lo más probable en una ciudad cerca de Vinci, Anchiano en Italia, aunque los investigadores creen que...

- Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci  Ana Lucia Santana Eine der umfangreichsten Künstler der Renaissance , Leonardo da Vinci wurde am 15. April geboren , 1452 Tage , wahrscheinlich in einer Stadt, in der Nähe von Vinci, Anchiano in Italien , auch wenn einige Forscher...

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레오나르도 다 빈치  아나 루시아 산타나 일부 연구자 는 자신의 고향 이 피렌체와 피사 사이에 위치해 있다고 생각 하지만, 가장 포괄적 인 르네상스 예술가 중 하나는 , 레오나르도 다빈치...

- Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci  Ana Lucia Santana Uno dei più completi artisti del Rinascimento , Leonardo da Vinci è nato il 15 aprile 1452 al giorno, molto probabilmente in una città vicino a Vinci , Anchiano in Italia , anche se alcuni ricercatori ritengono...

- Leonardo Da Vinci
InfoEscola » Biografias »Leonardo da Vinci Ana Lucia Santana Um dos mais completos artistas renascentistas, Leonardo da Vinci nasceu no dia 15 de abril de 1452, muito provavelmente em uma cidade próxima a Vinci, Anchiano,...

