Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan

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Genghis Khan
Near the Onon River , Mongolia
August 18, 1227 ( 65 years)
Genghis Khan , Genghis Khan or Chinggis Dog, also spelled as Genghis Khan ( Mongolian Чингис Хаан , transl Tchinghis Khaan ; . 1162 - August 18, 1227 ) was a Mughal emperor and conqueror , born with the name deTemudjin near the Onon River , near Lake Baikal .
Genghis Khan was born surrounded shamanic legends about the coming of a gray wolf that would devour the whole earth . As a young man killed the wolf and was very famous in his tribe , faced rejection from his family for his own clan , but come back to win his leadership , beat their rivals from different clans and unifying the Mongol people under his command . Brilliant strategist , with archers mounted at their disposal , won the Great Wall of China, conquered the country , and extended his empire to the west and south . Genghis die before seeing their empire reach its maximum extent , but all subsequent Mongol leaders associate his own glory to the conquests of Genghis Khan , " which was one of the most successful military commanders in history of mankind." According to a survey conducted by the magazine Weird World , he was the emperor who conquered more territory in history , dominating almost 20 million km ² ( equivalent to 2.3 times of the Brazilian territory ) .

Youth [
Temujin was born in Mongolia in the late 1160 , probably in 1162 . It is supposed to be descended from the Mongol leader known as Kabul Khan , the Bojigin , for brief years got control over a unified Mongolia clan. However , at the time of the birth of Temujin , the Mongols were divided into various tribes and clans , each ruled by a khan , or " Lord " , which was imposed more by force than by descent nobre1 . With Temujin would be no different . When he was nine , Temujin was the clan of Merkitas to choose a wife and redo peace between clans ( long ago , his father had stolen the wife of Khan Merkitas and married her , she was the mother of Temujin ) , but on the way stopped for the night in a clan ally , the Onggirat , where he fell in love with Borte . Asked his father to practice the choice of wives there, but instead of just practice officially chose Borte as his bride . On the way back , his father , Yesugei , was poisoned by members of the tribe of Tartars . Without the children were old Yesugei to take control of the tribe , this came to be controlled by a new Khan , Targutai , Yesugei former soldier who drove the family clan to prevent future challenges to his leadership , forcing them survive in the steppe without cattle or horses . Temujin was to seek help from the sacred mountain god Tengri ( sky god and lightning ) . On the way Jamukha was found by the son of the tribe of Jadaran Khan , with whom he lived for a while and formed a great friendship , getting to make a pact of blood. Some time later he was kidnapped and taken back to Targutai .
Spent his entire childhood trying to escape , but was always found and brought back , but when I was finally big enough to be killed , fled again , but this time received a horse from a man of the tribe of Targutai who admired him , managing to escape to the clan of Onggirat to rediscover Borte.nota

Map showing the area of Genghis Khan ( dashed orange ) in the thirteenth century
Like almost all Mongols , Temujin had probably been trained as a mounted archer from a young age . The ability mounted, led only to the knees and skill at archery , coupled with a hard life on the steppe, the Mongols became greatly feared and respected warriors . After marry Borte , Temujin went to her for an uncertain path through Mongolia, until one day, the two were found by a group led by merkitas Chitedu ( ex -husband of the mother of Temujin ) who wanted to Temujin 's wife as revenge for the offense that his father had done before. Temujin met some men who wanted to help him ( because they admired his strength ) , and went to Jamukha for help. The two decided to break the old tradition saying that the Mongols were not going to fight for women and fought with merkitas .
By destroying merkitas , Temujin found pregnant Borte , making his first paternity be doubtful . After restoring his clan ( formed by his men who survived the war and the remnant of the people of merkitas ) , as Temujin followed by nomadic Mongolia , but two men Jamukha joined him . Because of the ancient tradition of the Mongols could change leader when wanted, Temujin did not send them back , earning the resentment of Jamukha , who ordered his men steal the horse herd of Temujin . During the defense that drove the men of Temujin killed the brother of Jamukha , starting a war between the clans . Temujin tried to flee with his people , but was overtaken by Jamukha , who had in his army a ratio of ten men to every man Temujin . After making numerous casualties on the army Jamukha , Temujin was enslaved and taken to China .
The Chinese emperor was impressed with the fact that he is the most expensive slave ( it had killed the best guard slave trader ) and decided to take it , ignoring the warnings of a monk , who said he would rule China . Temujin was arrested and humiliated . On occasion, the Chinese monk asked him not to destroy his monastery after the conquest of China . Temujin gave her a necklace of bones and asked him to take to Mongolia to Borte . The monk died on the way , but Borte found his body and saw the necklace , getting the message to Temujin . She went to China to rescue him .
After the rescue , Borte did not return to Mongolia , saying it was corrupt and lawless . Determined to unify Mongolia , Temujin went to the sacred mountain and asked the god of thunder that would help to give laws to the Mongols , nor that it needed to kill half of them . That evening drew up the laws of the Mongols ( not kill women and children , to honor the debts , fight enemies until the end and , above all, never betray your khan ) . At that time , the strength of Temujin was known throughout Mongolia. Temujin preaching followed the unification of Mongolian clans and many khans joined him , but most of the clans joined Jamukha , who preached the destruction of Temujin . Finally , Mongolia was divided into two : the army and the army of Temujin Jamukha . The two armies met for the final battle . Jamukha sent a squad to attack first , but his troops were annihilated by a brilliant strategy Temujin and when the main contingent preparing for the fight , the clouds closed the sky and lightning storm started . The Mongols feared the rays and when , in the glow of Temujin saw one standing on his horse with sword raised , without fear of thunder, surrendered before him . The men of the Targutai delivered and then killed for betraying their khan . Jamukha Temujin received a horse and fled from Mongolia.
In 1206, an assembly of the heads of all the tribes of the steppes proclaimed Temujin , then forty- five years as Genghis Khan , the " khan of khans ." It has created an administrative and military hierarchy and an army was trained and organized . To command an army of thousands of men and diminish the power of ancient Khans , Genghis created a military hierarchy based on minimum unit of ten men commanded by one of them . Ten units of ten men each be led by a new leader , which in turn would be part of a group of one thousand subject to a certain chieftain , who, in turn , obeyed a general who had under his control ten thousand men . Above the generals , only Genghis Khan .
With such a powerful army, Genghis Khan decided to go south and invade the lands of the kingdom of Hsi Hsia , also called Xixia , vassals of the Chinese Empire , which at that time was divided into two dynasties : the Jin empire, north and Song , south empire. For the first time , the Mongols had to face walled cities . Without even knowing or mastery of siege engines , the capital could not be won . However, given the refusal of the Jin Empire in sending an army to aid the Xixia Kingdom , this is referred to the military might of the Mongols and paid them a large tribute which included the daughter of its ruler , given as a second wife to Genghis Khan .
War tactics
Genghis created tactics of revolutionary war battles to the steppe . His army was disciplined, ruthless and feared . The traditional weapon of the Mongols was the compound bow and arrow, which had a range of 500 meters, it became mandatory training this weapon . Knights were trained to shoot an arrow with the horse in motion . One detail was that , for greater accuracy , the arrow was shot at the time when the horse was in full gallop . These knights , called mangudais , were a powerful weapon against enemy infantry since joined two principles : archery and cavalry, ie a Mangudai could be quick and precise to target enemies while away. The curved Arch Mongol was even more powerful than the famous longbows used with great success by the British in battles against the French during the Hundred Years War .
In 1207-1208 , the Mongols were forced to expand their territory pasture due to some problem in the steppe climate and conquered the kingdom of Hsi Hsia tangute . Then crossed the wall bypassing it and arrived in China , whose kingdom was divided between Jin Dynasties , Song north and south . The vast rice fields and the wealth of the city attracted more attention than Genghis possibility of becoming master of China. In the conquest of the kingdom Jin , Genghis Khan recruited a young Chinese man named Yeh -lu Ch'u - al - ts' as his personal adviser . Their influence became Genghis more tolerant and less aggressive in battle, encouraging them to avoid undue effort in the war and save the cultivated rather than turn them into pasture .
Genghis marched into Beijing , the most advanced urban center that time and when he saw that the city was surrounded by walls twelve feet high , found that his war tactics in the open, on the steppes , would not help at that moment . Thus , no hurry and had encamped his army , surrounding the city and prevented supplies from entering Beijing . These supplies were used to supply his army . With the help of dissident Chinese engineers built catapults and other war artifacts and finally invaded and dominated Beijing .
Genghis , after the initial attack on Jin , retreated to Mongolia , while his generals were in charge of establishing its dominance in China Jin . In 1218, a diplomatic incident angered over Turkish Genghis Kharizm kingdom in northern Persia, a messenger brought him the head of one of his generals sent on a diplomatic mission to Persia . The Khan rode in front of over two hundred thousand men and ten thousand siege machines acquired from the Chinese. There were few pitched battles and wars waged Mongol siege to the fortified cities of Persia , who captured one by one . Some , such as Bukhara and Samarkand would become in the future , distant mirrors the Mongol presence in Southwest Asia . The old town of Nichapur was devastated and even the animals there survived the Mongol attack. Genghis 's army killed more than a million Persians .
The human toll in Khwarizm were counted in the thousands. Genghis and his generals imposed brutal punishments of enemies . The proximity of Persia with Europe has generated a reputation for savagery of the Mongols who haunt the continent over the next decades .
In 1227, while the generals of Genghis conquered territories in southern Russia and Ukraine , the Great Khan was forced to return to the steppes to contain a revolt of Hsi Hsia , who had refused the call to campaign against Khwarizm . After winning the Tanguts , Genghis Khan died seized with a high fever and pain in the head .
Legacy of Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan
Before the death of Genghis Khan , this established his son Ogedei , as his successor . Ogedei undertook to expand the Mongol territory to the fullest, to Indochina Syria , Persia, Siberia , Hungary to China . Later , the great empire would be divided into 4 parts , between sons and grandsons of Genghis , but none of these new kingdoms or Khanates , would have a long life .
In the early fourteenth century , Timur the Lame , claiming to be descended from Genghis Khan , became the Clan a brief Mongol empire that would encompass the whole of Mesopotamia , Persia , Afghanistan , Pakistan and northern India . Later that century , the Tatars reappear , inspired by the conquests of Genghis , to take the territory of dissolved Khanate of the Golden Horde in Russia . Several other minor uprisings Mongols would take place in the following centuries , but the nomadic way of life and the inability to establish an arms industry soon become skillful mounted knights obsolete due to the new artillery of the countries that there were boundaries .
In Mongolia today , Genghis Khan is considered the ultimate hero and father of the nation , whose worship the image never left off, even during the communist regime . The airport of the capital city was renamed Chinggis Khan International Airport in honor of the emperor.
Legends tell that everyone involved in the burial of Genghis Khan were killed to keep secret the location where he was buried . And this place really has ever been found .
A 2002 study found that 8 % of the population of the area previously occupied by the Mongol Empire , an area between the Caspian Sea and the Pacific Ocean ( which corresponds to 0.5 % of world population ) may be descendants of Genghis Khan.4 A another 2007 study states that 34.8 % of current Mongols are descended from Genghis Khan.5
In References [edit | edit source code ]
Paul Ratchnevsky . Genghis Khan : His Life and Legacy [ Čingis - Khan : sein Leben und Wirken ] (in English ) . Oxford , Cambridge and U.K. , M. A. B. Blackwell , 1991 , c . 1992. ISBN 0-631-16785-4
Man , John ( 2004) . Genghis Khan : Life , Death and Resurrection . Bantam Press, London . ISBN 978-0-553-81498-9 .
further Reading
Peter Brent . The Mongol Empire: Genghis Khan : His Triumph and His Legacy (in English ) . London : Weidenfeld & Nicholson , 1976. ISBN 0- X 297-77137
Emilii Bretschneider . Mediæval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources ; Fragments Towards the Knowledge of the Geography & History of Central & Western Asia (in English ) . Trübner 's Oriental Series ed . London : Kegan Paul , Trench , Trübner & Co ( Repr. Munshirm Manoharlal Pub Pvt Ltd ) , 1888, 2001. ISBN 81-215-1003-1
Juvaynī Alā al - Dīn Malik Ata , 1226-1283 . Genghis Khan : The History of the World - Conqueror [ Tarikh -i jahāngushā ] (in English ) . Seattle : [ S.N. ] 1997. ISBN 0-295-97654-3
1. Go to top ↑ Apparently , the family of Temujin had recovered his fortune through donations from sympathetic clans and through contact with other stragglers .
1. ↑ Jump to: a b c d e Genghis Khan - Biography (in Portuguese ) . UOL - Education . Retrieved on August 17, 2012 .
2 . Go to top ↑ Ian Jeffries (2007 ) . " Mongolia : a guide to economic and political developments" . Taylor & Francis . pp . 5-7 . ISBN 0- 415-42545 -X
3 . Go to top ↑ Roberto Navarro . Who conquered more territory : Napoleon , Hitler , Genghis Khan or Alexander ? (in Portuguese ) . Magazine - Issue 118 - November 2011 . Retrieved on December 1, 2011 .
4 . Go to top ↑ Zerjal , T. , et al . ( 17 January 2003 ) . The Genetic Legacy of the Mongols (in English ) . PubMed Central . Retrieved on May 30, 2010 .
5 . Go to top ↑ Derenko M. V. , et al . ( March 2007 ) . Distribution of the male lineages of Genghis Khan 's descendants in northern Eurasian populations (in English ) . PubMed . Retrieved on May 30, 2010 .


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Genghis Khan Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas . Temujin Genghis Khan lahir 1162 Berhampiran Sungai Onon , Mongolia kematian 18 Ogos 1227 (65 tahun) tidak diketahui. Genghis Khan, Genghis Khan atau Chinggis Anjing, juga dieja sebagai Genghis Khan...

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Genghis Khan De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Temujin Genghis Khan nacimiento 1162 Cerca del río Onon , Mongolia muerte 18 de agosto 1227 (65 años) desconocido . Genghis Khan, Genghis Khan o Gengis Dog , también deletreado como Genghis Khan (...

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- Gengis Khan
Gengis Khan Da Wikipedia , l'enciclopedia libera . Temujin Gengis Khan nascita 1162 Vicino al fiume Onon , Mongolia morte 18 agosto 1227 ( 65 anni) sconosciuta . Gengis Khan , Gengis Khan o Gengis Dog , scritto anche come Gengis Khan ( Mongolian...

