


Tell the truth and see the light,
you will continue lying in darkness,
dignity you have come to the right!
lying is not nice for anyone.

Do not be a fool is better to sing,
the right song talks about truth,
those who fear freedom,
lie to justice brings injustice.

And one that can be demented mind
greater punishment may come into your mind
and never more be a decent person!

Written by Professor José Luiz Teixeira da Silva, Education Specialist, and Public Law.


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Mr Open the mind of the ruler, Of corrupt politicians, thieves. Those who believe and are incompetent, Are not clear and fair, Are poor in spirit and Think to be such. Open the minds of rulers, Those who teach wrong Those who destroy and kill. Unfortunate...

- Evolution
EVOLUTION Tell the truth and see the light,  you will continue lying in darkness,  dignity you have come to the right!  lying is not nice for anyone.  Do not be a fool is better to sing,  the right song talks about truth, ...

- Evolution
EVOLUTION Tell the truth and see the light, you will continue lying in darkness, dignity you have come to the right! lying is not nice for anyone. Do not be a fool is better to sing, the right song talks about truth, those who fear freedom, lie to justice...

- Evolution
EVOLUTION Tell the truth and the light veras, you will continue lying in darkness, dignity you have come to the right! lying is not pretty for anyone. Do not be a fool is better to sing, the right song talks about the truth, those who fear freedom, lying...

