Eros and Psyche

Eros and Psyche

Eros and Psyche

By Ana Paula Araújo
One of the most beautiful and well known legends of Greek mythology is Eros and Psyche . General knowledge of the legend is by widespread angel figure Eros (or Cupid) . Eros was the son of the goddess of love, Aphrodite , an immortal of unparalleled beauty .

Have Psyche , mortal, was one of three daughters of a king , all very beautiful , able to arouse the admiration of any person , so much so that many came from afar to enjoy them . Soon , the two sisters of Psyche married. Only the young not home, even though it is the most beautiful of the three , and rightfully so was the most feared since her beauty was her suitors are afraid . Consulting the oracles , parents of young saddened by the fate of his daughter , as they were advised to wear it with wedding dress and put on a top of a cliff to be espoused by a terrible monster ! In fact , it was all part of a plan of vengeful Aphrodite, who suffered from envy of the girl's beauty .
Once the young man was left on top of the rock , a very strong wind , Zephyrus , and carried through the air breathed and she was placed in a valley . Psyche falls asleep and when he wakes up exhausted seems to have been transported to a backdrop of dreams , a huge castle of marble and gold and whispered voices informed him that all he needed . She was taken to his quarters and soon realized that someone was with her and soon discovered that it was her husband that had been predestined , he was extremely caring and made ​​her feel very loved , but he had put a condition that she could not see him , for if they did lose him forever. Psyche agrees with the condition and stays with him . Eros himself, who had been in charge of executing the vengeance of his mother, fell in love with Psyche , but must remain hidden to avoid the wrath of Aphrodite .
Over time, she felt extremely happy because her husband was the best of husbands and did feel the deepest love, but decides to make him a risky request : to go visit their parents , even with the warning of the oracles and the fear of her husband, she insists , until he yields .
Likewise it was transported to its new home, Psyche goes to her parents' house . The reunion generates happiness of parents and jealous sisters , who fill - in questions about her husband , and she ends up revealing that he had never seen his face . They end up in convincing her that she should see him and she fills with curiosity.
When night comes and she returns home, her heart is totally taken by curiosity , so she lights a candle and tries to see her husband's face .
She gets totally entranced and enchanted by the stunning beauty of the hidden husband, Eros , which would have made this request for the wife fell in love for what is and not for her beauty . Psyche was so dazzled by the sight of the spouse who did not realize that a drop of candle wax drips on the chest of the beloved and wakes up frightened . He , seeing that she had broken a promise to abandon .
Alone and unhappy Psyche began to wander the world . Thus experiencing various challenges and hardships imposed by Aphrodite as revenge for her having hurt his son , the young struggle trying to regain his love , but ends up delivering death -Sea , falling into a deep sleep . Seeing her so sad and sorry , Eros , who also suffered from the absence of the beloved , begged Zeus to have mercy on them . With the granting of Zeus , Eros used one of his arrows , awakening his beloved , transforming it into an immortal, leading her to Olympus .
From there , Eros and Psyche never separated. The myth of Eros (love ) and Psyche ( the soul ) portrays the union of love and soul.
In Greek " psyche " means both " butterfly" and "soul." An Allegory of the immortality of the soul , also symbolizes the human soul tried by suffering and approved , receiving as a reward the true love that is eternal .
source :
Kerenyi , C. The Greek Gods . Trad . O.M. Staff . Sao Paulo : Cultrix , 1993.
SOUSA , E. History and Myth . Brasilia : Ed UNB , 1981.


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