


Of all the things that most cherish,
children are permanent,
even if they do not understand us and vice versa,
never cease to love them or love Him less,
sometimes it is difficult to teach them, guide them,
exhausting this mission that was my parents one day.
Protect them from all evil and of themselves,
lest they fall into the traps of fate.
Money does not bring happiness,
can even bring destruction, falsehoods,
we can not live their lives for them,
much less will avoid the possible misfortunes,
however it is our only ask to do the right,
in truth and justice,
respecting the human being and nature,
reconciling reason and emotion.
Observe the events from another point of view,
try to feel what the other feels,
respect the sacred being, the light source.
Plant what you want and spoon
take care that the fruit is quality
and share with the hungry.
Try to take what we have bad
and enjoy what we have to good.
Love more and more especially where there is no love,
put down deep roots even in dry soil,
We will find water
for the tree stand strong and sturdy,
that even in poor soil give noble fruit.

Poetry written by Teacher, Educator, Education Specialist, Specialist in Public Law Doctorate in Education


- Children Forever
CHILDREN FOREVER Of all the beings who cherish most, children are permanent, even if they do not understand us and vice versa, never cease to love them and cherish least is sometimes difficult to teach them, guide them, exhausting this mission...

- Children Forever
CHILDREN FOREVER Of all the beings who cherish most , children are permanent , even if they do not understand us and vice versa , never cease to love them and cherish least is sometimes difficult to teach them , guide them , exhausting this mission that...

- Children Forever
CHILDREN FOREVER Of all the beings who cherish most , children are permanent , even if we do not understand and vice versa , never cease to love them and cherish least is sometimes difficult to teach them , guide them , exhausting this mission that...

- Children Forever
CHILDREN FOREVER Of all the beings who cherish most, children are permanent, even if we do not understand and vice versa, never cease to love them and cherish least is sometimes difficult to teach them, guide them, exhausting this mission that was my...

- Children Forever
CHILDREN FOREVER Of all the beings who cherish most, children are permanent, even if we do not understand and vice versa, never cease to love them and cherish least is sometimes difficult to teach them, guide them, exhausting this mission that was my...

