Castro Alves

Castro Alves

Castro Alves
Brazilian poet
Biography of Castro Alves :

Castro Alves (1847-1871) was a Brazilian poet . The last great romantic poet of the third generation in Brazil . Expressed in his poetry the indignation of the serious social problems of his time . Denounced the cruelty of slavery and cried out for freedom , giving a social revolutionary romanticism sense that approaches the realism. It was also the poet of love , a love poetry describes the beauty and seduction of the woman's body. Is patron of # 7 chair of the Brazilian Academy of Letters .

Castro Alves (1847-1871) was born on the farm Cabaceiras ancient parish Muritiba , near the village of Curralinho today city Castro Alves , Bahia State , on March 14, 1847 . Doctor's son José Antonio Alves , and also a professor of the Faculty of Medicine of Salvador , and Brasília Clelia da Silva Castro .

In 1853 , with his family will live in Salvador . He studied at the College of Abilio Cesar Borges , which was co- Rui Barbosa , passionate and demonstrated early vocation for poetry. In 1859 he lost his mother . On 24 January 1862 his father marries Maria Guimarães Rosário and that same year moved in Recife . The state capital efervecia with abolitionists and Republican ideals and Castro Alves receives influences student leader Tobias Barreto .

Castro Alves in 1863 published his first poem against slavery " Spring " that year knows the Portuguese actress Eugenia House that stood at the Teatro Santa Isabel in Recife . In 1864 he entered the Law School of Recife , where he actively participated in student and literary life , but back to Bahia in the same year and only returned to Recife in 1865 , the company Fagundes Varela , his close friend .

Castro Alves begins in 1866 , an intense love affair with Eugenia Hall , ten years older than him, years and in 1867 sailed to Bahia , where she would pose a drama in prose , written by him " The Gonzaga or the Revolution of Mines " . Then Castro Alves part to Rio de Janeiro where he meets Machado de Assis , that helps you join the literary circles . Go to Sao Paulo and enters the third year of Law School at Largo São Francisco .

In 1868 Eugenia breaks . Vacation , on a hunt in the woods of Lapa hurt his left foot with a shotgun blast , resulting in the amputation of the foot . In 1870 Salvador back to where it publishes " floating foam" .

Antônio Frederico de Castro Alves , dies in Salvador on July 6, 1871 , stricken with tuberculosis.

Poetry of Castro Alves
Song of Africa
The Paulo Afonso Falls
Love and Be Loved
Let us love ! Black Lady
The Two Flowers
foam Floating
Hymns of Ecuador
My Miss
The " Goodbye " Teresa
The Heart
Lace Tape
The Slave Ship
Ode to the Second of July
Angels Midnight
Voices of Africa


- Castro Alves
Castro Alves Brazilian poet Biography of Castro Alves : Castro Alves (1847-1871) was a Brazilian poet . The last great romantic poet of the third generation in Brazil . Expressed in his poetry the indignation of the serious social problems of his time...

- Castro Alves
Castro Alves poète brésilien Biographie de Castro Alves : Castro Alves (1847-1871) était un poète brésilien . Le dernier grand poète romantique de la troisième génération au Brésil . Exprimé dans sa poésie l'indignation des graves problèmes...

- Castro Alves
Castro Alves poeta brasileño Biografía de Castro Alves : Castro Alves (1847-1871) fue un poeta brasileño . El último gran poeta romántico de la tercera generación en Brasil. Expresado en su poesía la indignación de los graves problemas sociales...

- Castro Alves
Castro Alves poeta brasileño Biografía de Castro Alves : Castro Alves (1847-1871) fue un poeta brasileño . El último gran poeta romántico de la tercera generación en Brasil. Expresado en su poesía la indignación de los graves problemas sociales...

- Castro Alves
Castro Alves brasilianischen Dichter Biographie von Castro Alves : Castro Alves (1847-1871) war ein brasilianischer Dichter. Die letzte große romantische Dichter der dritten Generation in Brasilien. In seinen Gedichten ausgedrückt die Empörung der...

