Biography of Ludwig van Beethoven

Biography of Ludwig van Beethoven

Biography of Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770 , in Bonn , Germany . But his ancestry was Dutch : the name of your family is derived from the name of a village in the Netherlands , Bettenhoven ( bed of radishes ) , and has the van particle, very common in Dutch names - not to be confused with the German nobility von . The grandfather of the composer, also Ludwig van Beethoven , however, was from Belgium, and the family was in Germany a few decades ago .

Grandpa van Beethoven was a musician . Worked as Kapellmeister (director of court music ) and the Elector of Cologne was a respected artist. His son, Johann , who would become the father of Ludwig , less talented, career followed , but without the same success . After his father's death , surrendered to alcoholism , which would bring many emotional problems to the famous son .

Johann Ludwig realized that the small ( I was baptized so in honor of the grandfather ) had unusual talent for music and tried to submit it to the voter career as a musician . But did disastrously . Required the child to study music for hours a day , and often the beat . Music education Beethoven had aspects of real torture .

Since thirteen Ludwig helped support the family , since the father was sinking ever more into the drink . He worked as organist , harpsichordist tester theater , orchestra musician and teacher, and thus early became the head of the family. It was an introspective , melancholy and shy teen, often immersed in daydreams and " distractions ," as his friends testified .

In 1784 , Beethoven met a young Count of Waldstein name , and became his friend. Earl noticed the talent of the composer and sent to Vienna to become a pupil of Mozart . But everything suggests that Mozart did not give him much attention , while recognizing his genius , and the attempt was unsuccessful Waldstein - Beethoven came back in two weeks to Bonn .

In Bonn , started doing literature courses - up to compensate for their lack of general estudoo , since he had left school aged just 11 - and there he had his first contacts with the teeming ideas of the French Revolution , which occurred with the Aufklärung ( Enlightenment ) and Sturm und Drang with ( Storm and Rush ) , no less seething currents of German literature , Goethe and Schiller . These ideals become fundamental in the art of Beethoven .

Only in 1792 that Beethoven would definitely go to Vienna . Again by way of Count Waldstein , this time Ludwig was accepted as a student of Haydn - or better , " Dad Haydn " as the new pupil called him . Learning from the old master was not as fruitful as expected . Haydn was affectionate, but somewhat careless, and Beethoven then tried to arrange lessons with other teachers to complement their study .

His early Viennese years were uneventful , with the publication of his opus 1 , a collection of three trios , and coexistence with Viennese society , which was facilitated by the recommendation of his Waldstein . It was a virtuoso pianist success in aristocratic ways , and has cultivated admirers . Nevertheless , he still believed in the ideals French revolutionaries .

Then came the first signs of the great tragedy of Beethoven - deafness . In 1796 , on the back of a tour , began to complain , and was diagnosed with a congestion of the internal auditory centers . Treated with doctors and improved their hygiene in order to regain that always had good hearing , and hid the problem for all the best he could . Only ten years later, in 1806 , which revealed the problem in a sentence annotated sketches in the Quartet . 9 : " Do not keep the most secret of your deafness, even in your art " .

Before that , in 1802 , Beethoven wrote what would be his most famous document: the Heiligenstadt Testament . This is a letter , originally intended to the two brothers , but that was never sent , which reflects in despair about the tragedy of deafness and his art . He was , for medical reasons , resting in the village of Heiligenstadt , near Vienna , and had its deepest crisis when he considered suicide seriously . He was a strong and recurrent thoughts . What made you change your mind ? "It was art , and only she, who held me . Ah , it seemed impossible to leave the world before I gave everything still germinating in me ! " He wrote in the letter .

The result is the birth of our Beethoven , the musician who donated all his work to humanity . " Divinity , you see the high background of myself , you know that love for humanity and the desire to do good dwell Me " continues Testament . For Beethoven , his music was a real mission . The Symphony no. 3 , Eroica , his first monumental work , then comes to the fundamental crisis of Heiligenstadt .

On sentimental grounds , another letter appears as an important historical document : a letter to the Immortal Beloved . Beethoven never married , and his love life was a collection of failures and unrequited feelings . Just a love match was conducted intensively , and we know it exactly by that letter , written in 1812. In it , the composer pours into apaixonadíssimos feelings to a certain " Immortal Beloved " :

" My angel , my all, my very being ! Can change the fact that you are entirely my own and I fully yours? Stay calm that only contemplating our existence with attentive and calm eyes can achieve our goal of living together . Continues to love me , never doubt the most faithful heart of your beloved L. , forever yours, forever mine, ever ours. "

The identity of the " Immortal Beloved " was never very clear and aroused great enigma among Beethoven biographers . Maynard Solomon , in 1977 , after numerous studies , concluded that it was Antonie von Birckenstock married to a banker in Frankfurt - would therefore be a love done , but at the same time impossible , and Beethoven's . Ludwig remain single.

In 1815 , his brother Karl died , leaving a son of eight years and mother to care for him . But Beethoven never approved the conduct of this child's mother - also Karl - and fought in court to be his only tutor. It took months of an exhausting legal proceedings that ended with gain because given the composer . Now Beethoven would have to care for a child , he had always been clumsy with domestic life.

In the following years , Beethoven go into great depression , which would only leave in 1819 , and so elated . The following decade was a period of supreme masterpieces : the last piano sonatas , the Diabelli Variations , the Solemn Mass, the Ninth Symphony , and especially the last string quartets .

It was this activity , full of plans for the future ( one tenth symphony, a requiem , another opera ) , who was seriously ill - pneumonia , and cirrhosis and intestinal infection . On March 26, 1827 , Ludwig van Beethoven died - according to legend , raising his fist in a last fight against fate .

his Work

Beethoven is acknowledged as the great element of transition between Classicism and Romanticism . In fact , he was one of the first composers to give to the subjective element fundamental role in music . " Out of the heart, touch the heart ," he said of one of his works . All of Beethoven work is the fruit of his dreamy and melancholic personality , somewhat epic , truly romantic.

But he has not abandoned the traditional forms inherited from Mozart and " Papa " Haydn . Beethoven knew how to make innovative art in traditional ways without destroying them, but extending its borders . This transfiguring process happened gradually , and culminated in works like the last string quartets , radically distant from Similar Mozart , for example.

The style of Beethoven has outstanding characteristics : large contrasts of dynamics ( pianissimo, fortissimo x ) and log (severe acute x ) , dense chords, rhythm changes , short and incisive themes , rhythmic vitality , and works in sonata form , developments extended over more concentrated exposures .

Scholars usually divide the work of Beethoven in three phases , following the line set by musicologist Wilhelm von Lenz . The first would take care of the works written between 1792 and 1800 , ie , his first published pieces , now in Vienna . This would include the trios of Opus 1 Sonata Pathétique, the first two piano concertos and the First Symphony , yet traditional works , but who already have some personal aspects . The second phase corresponds to the period from 1800 to 1814 , marked by the Heiligenstadt Testament and the Letter to the Immortal Beloved - in other words, by deafness and the heartbreak . Are characteristic of this phase works like the Eroica Symphony , the Moonlight Sonata , the last two piano concertos . The last phase , from 1814 to 1827, the year of his death, would be the period of monumental works and major innovations : the Ninth Symphony , the Solemn Mass , the last string quartets .

Beethoven dedicated to all genres of his time . He composed an opera , Fidelio , Beethoven's typically with your theme - marital fidelity and love for freedom - music for theater ( especially the opening Egmont ) , ballet ( The Creatures of Prometheus ) , oratorio ( Christ on the Mount of Olives ) , lieder ( cycle for Distant Beloved is very representative ) , two Masses ( including the monumental Missa Solemnis ) , variations ( variations on a waltz of Diabelli are the best known ) and works freely ( Fantasia for Piano , Chorus and orchestra is one of them ) .

But Beethoven would be better known by the four major cycles dedicated to classical forms : sonatas , concerts, string quartets and of course , the symphonies .

the Sonatas

The piano sonatas - 32 in all - were to Beethoven a kind of laboratory , where she experiences that would be utilized in other ways . They are distributed over the three phases but the second would be the most numerous ( sixteen) .

Beethoven made ​​great innovations in the structure of the sonata . Incorporated new forms ( fugue and variation ) , changed the number of movements and their order ( often put the slow motion in the first place ) , increased its emotional scope.

These sonatas also followed the technical development of the piano in the early nineteenth century. At first they were intended , without distinction, to the harpsichord or the pianoforte . Only from the opus 53 , Waldstein , Beethoven would be clear instrumentation : pianoforte . Demanding, the composer was routinely annoyed by the limitation of the pianos of his day , so much so that his last five sonatas were composed specifically for the most advanced Viennese piano hammer, the Hammerklavier . The opus 106 was rightly known by this name .

Among the eleven sonatas of the first period , the best known is the opus 13 , Pathétique, with its dramatic introduction and his somber mood ( most of his songs are in a minor key ) .

The best known sonatas are in the second period - are the opus 27 , By Moonlight, Waldstein and Opus 57 , Appassionata . The first, in an innovative way , begins with a very famous Adagio sostenuto , an elegy soft , dark romanticism , today one of the most popular stretches of Beethoven . Have Waldstein has only two fast movements (with a tiny bridge in slow tempo between them ) .

Although most original , the sonatas of the last period are the least popular . The opus 106 , Hammerklavier , of monumental character , is almost a symphony for solo piano . Other great masterpieces are the last two, opus 110 and 111 , almost romantic character.

the Concerts

Beethoven wrote five piano concertos , one violin and one triple , for violin, cello and piano . Excepting the first two piano , all compounds were in the intermediate phase , where, in fact , is the majority of the production of Beethoven .

The first two piano concertos are quite characteristic of Beethoven's youth , and owe much of their language to Mozart . The third , composed in 1800, is a work of transition. Has more symphonic character and is reportedly serious and heavy, having many similarities with the Concerto no. 24 Mozart ( also written in the key of C minor ) .

The Concerto no. 4 , composed six years later, would make a bigger jump . The outer movements are light and quiet , profound beauty and humanity. Have the central movement, Andante con moto , switches the romantic lyricism of the piano with vigorous interventions orchestra ( here reduced to the bass strings ) , getting a surprising result even for Beethoven .

The last piano concerto , known as Emperor , would become most famous . It is a majestic work of grandiose ideas and character as symphonic as the third concert, but less tragic.

For violin , Beethoven wrote his most popular concert. Beautiful work , it is of the finest concertos ever written for this instrument . Previously, there were already included in the Triple Concerto for piano, violin and cello, heir to the concertante symphony in the manner of Haydn and Mozart and clear forerunner of the Brahms Double Concerto .


Beethoven composed chamber music throughout his life , but the key part of his work in this genre is the set of the last six string quartets .

They were written in the last years of the composer's life and represent the culmination of its third phase of creation. Are concentrated and deep , full of features such as variation and drain works .

The Opus 131 is the most ambitious of them . Has no fewer than seven movements , all linked together . The first is a very slow leak and expressive , the room is a succession of seven variants , and the last is an energetic Allegro , which incorporates the main theme of the first . Therefore , despite its large size , is a cohesive work .

In addition to this , are important quartets opus 133 , Great Escape , and opus 135 .

the Symphonies

Beethoven's symphonies form the best known part of his work . There are nine in all. Most are in the middle phase of its creation , except the first and last symphony. However , the musicologist Paul Bekker symphonies classifies into two groups - the first eight and ninth . In fact , the Choral Symphony is a case apart , with its huge instrumental training and end with chorus , hitherto unpublished .

The First Symphony , composed in the early years of the Viennese composer, is strongly linked to the tradition of Haydn and Mozart . The second is a transitional work and already has some of his personal characteristics .

Beethoven only find his final symphony Symphony in the language . 3 , Eroica . Planned to be a great tribute to Napoleon Bonaparte , who admired , this Third is a great work of monumental design and themed epic . But the Napoleonic dedication was withdrawn when it crowned himself Emperor of France - Beethoven , disappointed , changed the program of work , including a funeral march " to the death of a hero " .

The Fourth is almost independent of the rest of the work more relaxed symphony, known for its long introduction . Have Quinta is the most tragic nine. Dita " Destination " , this is a symphony that is the path of darkness ( the first two movements ) to the light (the last two ) , in an original way , which opened unprecedented in the history of music ( Brahms 's First , Second Sibelius ) .

The Sixth Symphony , Pastoral , is another daring. Organized in five movements, each depicting an aspect of country life , made ​​room for the experiences of Liszt and Berlioz in the genre of program music .

The Seventh famous by its slow movement, a little Allegretto defined between the elegiac and somber , that fascinated composers such as Schumann and Wagner . The Eighth is his pair , and the third movement is a minuet , which is new - is the one that does not have a scherzo , the replacement of Beethoven's minuet of Haydn and Mozart .

Finally , the Ninth , perhaps the most popular work of Beethoven . Its major attraction is the coral final text of Schiller 's Ode to Joy . It is a work that epoch . Without it , it would be difficult to conceive later symphonies of Bruckner , Mahler , and even Wagner's opera .

" Play clanging behind the steps of a giant." The famous definition of Brahms 's Ninth Symphony can also be applied to any work of Beethoven , one of the largest and most deeply human of all music history .


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